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Fraser MacLean has been nominated by Canadian Lawyer Magazine's Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers. Please consider voting!

Stopping Fake AI Legal casesFraser MacLean has been nominated for Canadian Lawyer Magazine’s Top 25 Most Influential Lawyers in the category of Changemakers, lawyers who have played a significant role in the legal profession and Canadian and international society in the last 18 months.

The Changemaker category refers to lawyers in any practice who have been leaders, innovators, or catalysts for positive change in any area of the profession, such as diversity, law firm management, technology, education, etc.

Over the past year, Fraser has achieved an impressive number of wins, each one a testament to his advocacy and commitment to his clients:

  • Fraser was winning co-counsel on Zhang v. Chen, 2024 BCSC 285, Canada’s First Fake Artificial Intelligence Hallucination case which has led to Law Societies and Courts across Canada immediately creating rules and ethical guidelines for Courts lawyers and self represented clients. His winning case was reported worldwide in all major digital, press and TV news media.
  • As lead counsel in an ultra-high net worth case Zhang v. Chen, 2023 BCSC 2206, Fraser successfully obtained one of the highest interim support awards in BC history for his client.
  • Fraser was co-counsel in K.R. v. J.R., 2022 BCSC 1856, where he successfully represented his client in a 30-day high-net-worth trial. The result saw the husband paying zero in spousal support despite a long-term marriage with three children, while also receiving a substantial amount in retroactive child support dating back to 2016.
  • A sought-after resource for family law, Fraser was invited as a guest lecturer at TRU Law on the subject of Spousal Support, with discussions around recent case wins in high net worth family law.

Read more about Fraser:

How to Vote:

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  2. Click Next at the bottom of the page.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the next two pages and click Next. This will take you to the Changemakers page.
  4. Check Fraser MacLean’s name in the left column then add his name and a positive comment if you prefer.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the next two pages until you see the successful entry message.

Thank you from the MacLean Family Law team and congratulations Fraser MacLean!