There are many reasons why you may need to hire the services of MacLean Law. If you don’t have a clear marriage agreement, and cannot come to terms with your separation related to children and your family assets, you may want to consult with a lawyer. Understand your obligations and rights, including obtaining expert legal consultation and advice on:
- Complex high-net worth separation and divorce;
- International separation and divorce;
- Marriage agreements;
- Separation and divorce proceedings;
- Child guardianship and parenting arrangements;
- Mediation and arbitration services;
- Property division and debt resolution.
We offer initial consultation meetings to review your key questions. We value your time and have structured our law practice to ensure we use your time wisely. You will also have a strong legal support team answering questions and helping to move your family matter forward as quickly and efficiently as possible.
According to BC Law Society rules, we must ensure that we do not have any conflict of interest related to your case and the person you are dealing with in your dispute situation. We complete this conflict-of-interest check by phone or online through the MacLean Law form.
Once the conflict check has been cleared, we can engage in meaningful communication with you to obtain information about your concerns. If your situation is complex and involves child guardianship, child or spousal support, property division or debt resolution matters, we will ask you to fill out our Initial Consultation Form.
We appreciate your confidence in MacLean Law and look forward to meeting with you in person. We appreciate that this is a stressful and confusing time. Here are some useful tips to help you through the process:
Be prepared for your first meeting: Please complete the online Initial Consultation Form as thoroughly as possible. By answering all questions, our time together can be used to discuss the specifics of your legal inquiry rather than gathering basic but necessary information.
Your initial consultation will take 30 – 60 minutes with a fee of $150-$650 depending on the lawyer you meet with.
Bring any relevant court orders, court applications and/or pleadings. After the initial consultation meeting, and should you wish to retain our services, a retainer package will be sent to you. Your lawyer may request that you complete the MacLean Law homework package. The package includes guiding documents that will enable your lawyer to review the facts of your file including income, assets, debt, and family dynamics to ensure full disclosure of your situation.
Appointments: Please be on time for your appointments. If you know you will be late, check in with your lawyer’s assistant as soon as you can.
Prioritize concerns: Write down your top concerns and priorities so we can address them at the meeting.
Companions: If you need a companion to escort you to your lawyer meetings, please note that they are welcome to wait for you in our reception lounge, but the lawyer will likely advise that this person does not sit in on the confidential meeting. Exceptions will be made at the discretion of your lawyer.
Alternative Dispute Resolution: MacLean Law supports the alternative dispute resolution mandate set out by the Family Law Act. This requires that lawyers assist their clients whenever appropriate and use alternative dispute resolution processes to reach effective family law agreements in a timely manner without going to court. It is more productive and less adversarial to use cooperative and collaborative approaches to resolve family law disputes and your lawyer will discuss these options with you.
The cost will vary based on the lawyer you meet with, including the fee for your initial consultation. During this session, you’ll review the case details and discuss a strategy for achieving an efficient resolution.
It is our goal to help you resolve your family law situation without financial hardship and to move forward in a positive, collaborative direction. Even if you feel you do not have the financial resources to hire a lawyer, we can help you explore financial options. Divorce expenses get out of control when there is anger, inadequate communication, lack of an action plan, attempts to interpret complex law on your own, or going to court before required. At MacLean Law, we will work closely with you to help you avoid these circumstances where possible and to ensure your legal expenses are an investment in your future. We require you pay for your initial consultation meeting and from there we will determine a retainer suitable for the required work.
Every MacLean Law file is unique and we will work with you to address your specific circumstances. We are practical and earnest in our work and will never waste time.