Vancouver Provincial Family Court conduct strategies that will help you win your family court are explained.
Play Nice: Your Conduct Goes a Long Way in Court 1 877 602 9900
As an articled student, I am constantly reminded of how far approaching others with kindness and common decency can take you, especially in the legal arena. Being gracious and respectful with court staff and anyone you encounter within legal proceedings will not only make life easier, but it may also help your case! The art of being a good advocate for your case is to be able to disagree on an issue without being disagreeable or irrational. Today we will learn about proper Vancouver Provincial Family Court Conduct. MacLean law has offices across BC and in Calgary Alberta.
Vancouver Provincial Family Court Conduct 1 877 602 9900
Your Vancouver Provincial Family Court Conduct both in court and with opposing parties and counsel is incredibly important. The courts frown heavily upon litigants who bully, taunt, and disrespect their counterparts. This is especially so when it comes to self-represented litigants.
For the most part, the courts are willing to be patient with self-represented litigants and do their best to provide second chances because the legal system can be confusing (even to lawyers). The courts do not want to penalize people just because they don’t have the whole cast of Suits by their side. Here is some great free information providing guides on various court applications you may need help with.
However, if you come to court unprepared, if you miss hearings, if you provide baseless excuses for delaying proceedings, if you make irrelevant and inflammatory statements against the other party, and if you send nasty emails to opposing lawyers, the courts will be anything but patient with you. Vancouver Provincial Family Court Conduct matters. Our Provincial Family Court lawyers can meet with you and provide a cost-effective estimate for helping you resolve financial and child parenting-related matters.
Vancouver Provincial Family Court Conduct 1 877 602 9900
In fact, in some cases, the court may order fines against those who behave this way. This occurred in P.M. v M.N., 2009 BCSC 40, where the court fined a self-represented litigant who refused to provide documents, made unfounded allegations against the other party, missed court deadlines, and introduced irrelevant evidence for purpose of personally attacking the opposing party. The court, in this case, found this behavior not only wasted the court’s time, but it caused the other party to pay far more in legal fees than necessary.
High Watermark Misconduct Cost Husband $1.5 million
In the high watermark 2019 case for litigation misconduct, a husband Lorne Maclean, QC acted against in D. v D. who accused a judge of taking bribes from interim advances and who accused a lawyer of misconduct with the judge and client was ordered to pay $1. 5 million of special costs representing 100% of the wife’s legal fees. This case involved millions of dollars of worldwide property and record-setting spousal and child support awards totaling $116,000 per month. Lorne MacLean, QC also had a spouse jailed after MacLean exposed his perjury.
I have witnessed firsthand an undecided judge rule against a party after reading a nasty email they sent to opposing counsel. According to the judge, this was the final straw. Moral of this story: never send a rude or vexatious email/text to the opposing side. You can guarantee your words will make their way to the judge.
This being said, family law can be exceptionally stressful. Understandably, having your personal issues debated in court by strangers will take its toll on you, and keeping your temper at bay may be easier said than done. Our top-rated Vancouver Provincial Family Court Conduct lawyers can help focus your case on strengths while minimizing the impact of weaknesses in your position.
One of the benefits of having a lawyer on your side is that they are in the driver’s seat when it comes to your conduct in court and engaging with the opposing side. This frees you to handle your feelings on your own time without worrying about emotions interfering with your case.
If you start to recognize your emotions are getting in the way of presenting your best self in court, it’s worth your time to consider hiring a family lawyer to advocate for you. Our Vancouver Provincial Family Court lawyers are here to help you win your case.