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Best Vancouver Family Lawyers

Who are the Best Vancouver Family Lawyers? We just won Best Family Law Firm In Canada which is an amazing achievement and a testament to the dedication, huge wins for our high net worth clients and our advancement of family law in Canada. We believe family law is the most important law in Canada as […]

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When Does Spousal Support Stop?

When Does Spousal Support Stop? Our BC and Alberta family lawyers get asked this question hundreds of times. Peter Graburn our Senior Calgary high net worth family law lawyer explains this thorny topic today. If you have a question concerning termination of spousal support, call us early on in your case. Click here to get […]

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Finding Hidden Vancouver Family Property Lawyers

Finding Hidden Vancouver Family Property Lawyers help ensure you get your fair share in a Vancouver family property division case. MacLean law has set records for aggressively finding hidden family property and punishing spouses who played dirty in fa family separation case. See our precedent setting wins in Mareva Injunctions, Anton Pillar Raids leading to […]

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Short Marriages and Unequal Family Property Division

Short marriages and unequal family property division disputes after separation are becoming more frequently.  Short marriages, where one party brought significant property into a “marriage like” or marriage relationship, present unique challenges for family law clients and their lawyers. The case law on unequal division in this cases is somewhat disparate. The recent Supreme Court […]

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避免卑诗省家庭财产分割五大错误 致电

避免卑诗省家庭财产分割五大错误,能够帮您省下即使没有几百万,也会有数十万加元的财产。 在今天的博客中,资深律师Tal Wolf,阐述了在分居或离婚期间关于卑诗省家庭财产分割的五个常见错误观点。

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Family Law Contempt Lawyers

MacLean Law’s Family Law Contempt Lawyers handle enforcement of family law orders across Canada. Unless family law court orders are obeyed a significant portion of Canadians suffer unnecessarily. In today’s article by Peter Graburn one of our senior Calgary family lawyers, we explain some of our recent record successes in this area and the law […]

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High Income Child and Spousal Support Lawyers

MacLean Law’s top High Income Child and Spousal Support Lawyers deal with recipients and paying spouses in cases where incomes and the corresponding child and spousal support payments can be eye watering. Our High Income Child and Spousal Support Lawyers lawyers hold the record for the highest spousal and child support in BC $116,000 monthly. […]

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Interim Distribution Complex Family Financial Disputes

Interim Distribution Complex Family Financial Disputes require lawyers with a proven track record of obtaining the highest interim distributions to level the playing field in high net worth divorce disputes. MacLean Law lawyers have a proven track record of obtaining the highest interim advances in our huge wins in our BC Supreme Court wins in […]

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Hidden Or Disposed Family Property Lawyers

Hidden or Disposed of Family Property Lawyers at MacLean Law help you stop and compensation for transferred, disposed of or Hidden Family Property. Hiring senior family lawyers with a track record of proving the existence and location of missing millions pays off in these difficult cases. MacLean Law’s Hidden or Disposed of Family Property Lawyers […]

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International Child Parenting Jurisdiction Lawyers

The best International Child Parenting Jurisdiction Lawyers explain the rules for deciding where the best place to decide a child’s best interest should be. Will the BC Court take jurisdiction over your children, even if they were born and/or raised in another country?   In what circumstances would they do this, and why?  The key […]

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