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High Net Worth Mandarin Family Lawyers

MacLean Law’s High Net Worth Mandarin Family Lawyers won Canadian Family Law Firm of The Year for 2024. Our winning High Net Worth Chinese Speaking Family Lawyers  know in multimillion dollar and even in billion dollar Chinese speaking family law cases, that hundreds and often thousands of WeChat messages, real estate and company documents need […]

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Improperly Obtained Surreptitious Evidence in Family Law Disputes

Our high net with family lawyers regularly deal with Improperly Obtained Surreptitious Evidence in Family Law Disputes. Getting to the truth is important. We have succeeded in using tape recorded evidence concerning family violence and relationship support evidence in a $150,000,000 family law dispute. Family law cases in Canada are determined (whether by a Judge […]

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Best Calgary Divorce Lawyers

Our Best* Calgary Divorce Lawyers will help you negotiate a settlement that allows for an uncontested divorce with agreed financial and child parenting and guardianship relief. Our modern approach is to negotiate, mediate and arbitrate a fair settlement and failing that we will tenaciously proceed to trial. MacLean Law’s expanded Calgary divorce lawyers office medium […]

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Valuation Of Third Party Discretionary Trusts On Separation

The valuation of third party discretionary trusts on separation has sparked disputes between family lawyers and trust lawyers, and even more so for separating family law clients. A blockbuster BC Court of Appeal case of Cottrell was released at the end of December 2023. Cottrell v Cottrell provides guidance for family law clients and their […]

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Avoid These Excluded Property Mistakes

Lorne MacLean, KC and his team of Vancouver excluded family property lawyers at MacLean Law help you avoid these excluded property mistakes. Mistakes involving family property, excluded property and gains made on excluded property can cost people millions if they are not careful. A recent BC Court of Appeal case is a cautionary tale for […]

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Hidden Or Disposed Family Property Lawyers

Hidden or Disposed of Family Property Lawyers at MacLean Law help you stop and compensation for transferred, disposed of or Hidden Family Property. Hiring senior family lawyers with a track record of proving the existence and location of missing millions pays off in these difficult cases. MacLean Law’s Hidden or Disposed of Family Property Lawyers […]

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High Net Worth Divorce and Separation

High Net Worth Divorce and Separation cases amplify the stakes for both spouses and their children. MacLean Law’s high net worth family lawyers handle some of the biggest family law disputes.  Our experienced High Net Worth Divorce and Separation lawyers handle these cases daily and you have likely read about our wins in media or […]

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In today’s blog, paralegal Carly Crawford explains the basics of BC Separation Agreements. If you are about to, or have separated, you are probably wondering whether you need a BC separation agreement.  We understand that BC separation agreements may seem intimidating and even a little daunting. That is why at MacLean Law, we have top […]

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BC family law expert witness lawyers know psychologists, real estate valuators, business valuators and handwriting analysis experts may well be involved in your family law case. Our expert witness family lawyers act across BC, in Calgary and in downtown Toronto. Contact us early on so we can assist you in creating a winning family law […]

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Vancouver Calgary High Net Worth Divorce

Vancouver Calgary High Net Worth Divorce – Do’s & Don’ts – Part 2 – Do’s. MacLean Law is Canada’s national family law firm with offices in Vancouver, across BC, Calgary, and Toronto. 1 877 602 9900 Our top-rated* Vancouver Calgary High Net Worth Divorce lawyers know separating spouses who have matrimonial property of over $5,000,000  […]

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