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Best Vancouver Family Lawyers

Who are the Best Vancouver Family Lawyers? We just won Best Family Law Firm In Canada which is an amazing achievement and a testament to the dedication, huge wins for our high net worth clients and our advancement of family law in Canada. We believe family law is the most important law in Canada as […]

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Best Calgary Divorce Lawyers

Our Best* Calgary Divorce Lawyers will help you negotiate a settlement that allows for an uncontested divorce with agreed financial and child parenting and guardianship relief. Our modern approach is to negotiate, mediate and arbitrate a fair settlement and failing that we will tenaciously proceed to trial. MacLean Law’s expanded Calgary divorce lawyers office medium […]

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Kelowna Vancouver Family Lawyers Affidavit Tips

In today’s blog, we provide the Best Kelowna Vancouver Family Lawyers Affidavit Tips. These Best Kelowna Vancouver Family Lawyers Affidavit Tips were prepared by our Kelowna family lawyers Lorne MacLean KC and Fraser MacLean  who can be reached at our Kelowna Office, Tel 778 754 1657. MacLean Law has set numerous winning record judgments and […]

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Vancouver Ultra High Net Worth Family Lawyers

Vancouver BC ultra high net worth family lawyers know these difficult cases demand precise and discrete legal advice to ensure wealth and asset protection and a fair sharing of high net worth income and family property is maximized for both ex-spouses and their children. Our award winning Vancouver ultra high net worth family lawyers have […]

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Best Surrey Child Support Lawyers Tips

Lorne MacLean, QC founder of MacLean Law, and one of  the Best Surrey Family Lawyers  provides today’s Best Surrey Child Support Lawyers Tips. MacLean holds the record for the highest spousal and child support of $116,000 a month. Maclean explains that both parents have a duty to ensure fair Surrey child support is paid. In […]

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How is BC Spousal Support Alimony Calculated?

Vancouver spousal support lawyers are often asked: How is BC Spousal Support Alimony Calculated? This is one of the most frequently asked questions our experienced Vancouver BC spousal support lawyers get asked. Our Vancouver spousal support and BC spousal support lawyers  know correctly answering this spousal support and alimony amount question requires a thorough analysis […]

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Best Kelowna Penticton Child Support Lawyers

The best Kelowna Penticton Child Support Lawyers understand the complexities of calculating a parent’s true income, the proper special and extraordinary section 7 expenses and making sure both parents contribute their fair share so your child succeeds in life.  MacLean Law’s Kelowna high net worth child support lawyers set the record in BC for a […]

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Best Vancouver Family Property Division Lawyers

Our Vancouver Family Property Division lawyers are constantly reviewing court decisions relating to family property division in BC. Non disclosure has been called the cancer of family law litigation and lawyers and judges are fed up.  On separation, division of family property is a highly contested issue and our Vancouver Family Property Division lawyers negotiate and litigate […]

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Vancouver Family Property Division

Vancouver Family Property Division involves the valuation and then an equal or unequal division of family property and family debt.  Our top rated Vancouver Family Property Division lawyers have set a number of key precedents in this area. New laws for Vancouver family property division have been in place for over 9 years now and […]

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Surrey Child Support Lawyers

Surrey Child Support Lawyers help negotiate fair Surrey child support also referred to as Surrey child maintenance, moving forward and obtain any unpaid child support on a retroactive basis. Delay means your child suffers so call us early on. Surrey Child Support Lawyers 604 576 5400 The steps our award winning Surrey child support lawyers […]

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