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Best* Calgary Family Lawyers

The Best* Calgary Family Lawyers help clients deal with divorce, separation, child custody, spousal and child support, and matrimonial property division issues. Founder, Lorne MacLean, QC has been named by Canadian Lawyer Magazine as one of the Top 25 Influential Lawyers in Canada. MacLean Law’s Calgary Family Lawyers office and MacLean Law is a 5 […]

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Best Calgary Divorce Lawyers

Our Best* Calgary Divorce Lawyers will help you negotiate a settlement that allows for an uncontested divorce with agreed financial and child parenting and guardianship relief. Our modern approach is to negotiate, mediate and arbitrate a fair settlement and failing that we will tenaciously proceed to trial. MacLean Law’s expanded Calgary divorce lawyers office medium […]

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Calgary Secured Child and Spousal Support

Calgary Secured Child and Spousal Support lawyers help ensure spousal and child support are paid in full. Our experienced Calgary family lawyers help parents and children maintain a standard of living that is fair after separation. It is on thing to obtain a spousal and child support order but you must also collect on the […]

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Calgary Same Sex Divorce 

Calgary Same Sex Divorce lawyers help you to navigate successfully divorce in Calgary and Alberta. Peter Graburn shows you the ropes of Calgary same-sex divorce in today’s blog. Same-sex couples in Alberta live in the same two legally-recognized family relationships as opposite-sex couples: either common-law (in Alberta legally referred to as Adult Interdependent Partnerships or […]

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Calgary Matrimonial Debt Division

BEST TIPS FROM CALGARY MATRIMONIAL DEBT DIVISION LAWYERS 403 444 5503 Let’s face it – since the beginning of 2016 (some say as early as the summer of 2014), Alberta families have had it tough financially. The demand for oil crashed, projects were canceled or put on hold, and tens of thousands of people lost their […]

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Calgary Family Lawyers Spousal Support

Am I a Candidate for Calgary Spousal Support? Calgary Family Lawyers Spousal Support lawyers at MacLean Law’s Calgary office educate our Calgary family clients on their rights and responsibilities relating to Calgary spousal support entitlement, amount and duration. One of  the first questions the parties or a judge hearing the Calgary spousal support matter must […]

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Calgary Joint Matrimonial Property Lawyers

Our skilled Calgary Joint Matrimonial Property Lawyers know that there is a huge difference between how Calgary exempt property and Calgary matrimonial property is divided. Our Calgary Joint Matrimonial Property Lawyers encourage and advise our Calgary medium to high net worth clients to sign prenuptial and marriage agreements to deal with matrimonial property particularly a […]

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Calgary Imputed Income Support Lawyers

Calgary Imputed Income Support lawyers at MacLean Family Law ensure that a person’s true income is used to ensure proper child and spousal support are paid. Calgary Imputed Income Support Lawyers ensure both paying and receiving spouses work to their full capacity given their education, skills, work history, health and age. Call our award winning Calgary […]

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