Top 5 Child Covid 19 Coparenting Tips from MacLean Law family lawyers are designed to help you and your children surmount the current challenging times. All of our offices remain open for remote audio and video consultations and family law clients who need our help. You can call us toll-free at 1 877 602 9900
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Top 5 Covid 19 Child Coparenting Tips 1 877 602 9900
As any MacLean Law family law lawyer will tell you divorce and the fall out is never easy for those experiencing it to deal with the emotional, financial and physical toll it takes on them. That statement is trite when one goes even further to look at what the impact is on children going through the breakdown of their family. Today, we provide our best Top 5 Covid 19 Child Coparenting Tips. Now, let’s take this one step further and place this within the context of the current global pandemic were are faced with. Devastating. Unimaginable. Confused. Distraught. These are but a few words to describe the emotions being felt within the former family members. It is our job as family law lawyers to be a beacon of guidance and calm in the eye of the storm. Courts, including family courts, are only accepting urgent matters right now. Now is the time for separated parents to work together more than ever. Remember even though you are separated from your ex-spouse “parents are forever”.
Focus On Solutions For Your Child’s Sake
Our founder Lorne N. MacLean Q.C. has said it best: “Each of us is 100 percent responsible for our half of any problem”. Taking responsibility at this point includes our profession’s role in our client’s lives and the duty we owe them as counsel. We must be there for them to provide the sound advice they need in the worst moments of their lives. This includes making sure our client’s here at MacLean Law still have access to their lawyers and the answers they need.
Top 5 Covid 19 Child Coparenting Tips 1 877 602 9900
The Covid-19 outbreak and the subsequent measures imposed by our government to restrict access to the courts for safety reasons and other key services have forced not only all family law lawyers to revaluate their practices but that too of our clients. Now is the ideal time for lawyers and separated spouses to work together in a child focussed way to reduce stress, increase collaboration and help both parents and children move forward as winners at a time when so many families are being torn apart and losing members far too soon to a devastating virus. In these uncertain times, maintaining a sense of routine will help your child to feel safe and secure and our top Vancouver Covid 19 child custody lawyers hope these Top 5 Covid 19 Child Coparenting Tips help your family deal with the current stress.
Top 5 Covid 19 Child Coparenting Tips
- Unless there are justified medical/self-isolation issues children should also maintain their usual routine of spending time with each of their parents. If there is a Child Parenting time order or agreement in place this should be complied with unless to do so would put your child, or others at risk. This should help your child’s emotional stability and maintain their bond with both parents.
- Stick to normal meal and bedtimes and any other family rituals your children are used to and enjoy and obtain comfort from.
- If you’re not able to safely care for your children due to illness or self-isolation, then communicate clearly and honestly with your co-parent and let them care for children so you keep your children as safe as possible.
- Maintain frequent contact by children and parents through Skype and Facetime to catch up and use this communication technology to read stories, sing and play together.
- If there is any lost child parenting time due to Covid 19 issues, plan how you and your ex-spouse can ‘make up’ your child’s time after the restrictions are lifted.
Most importantly, our Vancouver Covid 19 child custody lawyers ask that you please focus on the fact that child parenting time is for your child’s benefit and should not be used as a source of tension or conflict. Approaching issues from a child-focused perspective at a time when your child is likely to be feeling anxious about the effects of the pandemic is critical. Here are 7 more tips to help parents and their children. The American Academy of Matrimonial lawyers gives great Covid child parenting time 7 tips.
There has been considerable press coverage on co-parenting in these difficult times and how you can maintain your sanity and be a role model for your children on how to thrive during difficult times. We hope these Top 5 Covid 19 Coparenting Tips have helped you move forward during this difficult time. For more great tips from psychologists read this.
Remember Covid 19 is not to be used as a strategy to deny children contact with both parents.
A recent Globe and Mail article focused on how you as a parent can practice self-care.
Stay calm. Excessive worry and panic are not only detrimental to our well-being, they also negatively affect our children. Our brains are wired to mirror the emotions around us so if you’re stressed and anxious, your kids will be as well. The last thing you need is melting-down kids.
If you find yourself consumed with worried thoughts, try to take a few deep breaths to calm your body and use a mantra to calm your hijacked brain, like “No matter what happens, I can handle this” or “This is a moment in time. This will pass.” If you’re really anxious, I suggest limiting your news consumption and asking a friend or family member to update you on a need-to-know basis. Reach out for support if you need to.
Try to be flexible and be as present for your children as you can be. We don’t know what will happen next week, next month, next year, but we’re all in this together.
Call our Vancouver Covid 19 child custody lawyers quickly if you need help resolving child custody and parenting time issues.
Remember “We could never learn to be brave and patient if there were only joy in the world.”
Call our Top 5 Child Covid 19 Coparenting Tips today toll free 1 877 602 9900