Fort St. John Prince George Family Lawyers can help you with your child custody and parenting time issues as well as helping you resolve your child and spousal support and family property and debt disagreements. Our MacLean Law Northern office is open and fully operational and we are meeting with clients via video and telephone and settling cases through negotiation, mediation and in the courtrooms in Prince George, Dawson Creek, and Fort St John BC. In today’s blog, Jaye Rutledge explains how we can help Northern British Columbians resolve their family disputes. Jaye Rutledge and Ana Sadovska of our Fort St John office are available to meet with your right away. Lorne Maclean, QC handles high net worth files on behalf of Northern BC residents needing complex family law related strategies.
Fort St John Prince George Family Lawyers 1 877 602 9900
Our COVID-19 urgent application Fort St John Prince George Family lawyers continue to provide Family Law services to Fort St. John, Dawson Creek, Prince George and the surrounding areas during this crisis. The BC Supreme Court has issued a new update on urgent family matters which our lawyers are very familiar with using. Because our clients often live in remote areas of Northern BC or work lengthy camp shifts, we are very familiar with working with clients entirely by videoconferencing, phone and email. This expertise will be leveraged to ensure that your COVID-19 urgent Family Law issues are resolved efficiently and effectively while maintaining what is most important: the safety of you and your family.
COVID-19 social distancing measures are resulting in disputes between parents who have been separated and who have otherwise been able to deal with their separation amicably up until now. When children are involved, parents should make their best efforts to resolve these issues through reasoned negotiation for the sake of the continuing relationship between the parties. Our Ft St John Prince George Family Lawyers can often add value to these discussions by ensuring that the parents know what their legal rights are and options for moving forward.
Fort St John Prince George Family Lawyers – Support Issues 1 877 602 9900
We have seen disputes arise because parents disagree about what exact measures need to be taken to protect their families from being exposed to the virus. This can further result in one parent denying parenting time to the other. In a previous Maclean Law blog, the emerging law on parenting disputes was explained in detail. In cases where social isolation has resulted in family violence, it is particularly important that measures are taken to prevent further violence and that the courts appropriately take this family violence into account when determining what is in the best interests of the children; our a MacLean Law blog on family violence protection orders explains in greater detail.
We have also seen concerns arise from potential loss or reduction of employment income. In these cases, the party paying child or spousal support will likely want to negotiate a reduction that reflects their new income. MacLean Law blogs on the issue of support reductions during COVID-19 can be found here.
Our Ft St John Prince George Family Lawyers will have no difficulty resolving your family law matter while maintaining social distancing. We can conduct all our communications with you and the other party by phone and email, mediations and arbitrations can be conducted through videoconferencing, and court hearings will be conducted by phone. We are also well versed in the new rules for swearing and affirming affidavits by videoconference and the rules for getting any urgent applications heard in Supreme Court or Provincial Court.
We Can Help Your Urgent Applications Get Heard
Our Fort St. John office has made successful COVID-19 applications in both the Provincial Court and Supreme Court to have urgent parenting time and property restraining matters heard by telephone and are equipped to bring your emergency issues to the attention of a judge as soon as possible. We are experienced with making contested court appearances by phone and will bring this experience to bear in your legal matter. Do not hesitate to inquire with a Maclean Law Family Lawyer today if you believe you may have an urgent family matter. Our lawyer Jaye Rutledge, articling student Anastasiya Sadovska and paralegal Candice Pappenberger are all working diligently to ensure our client’s rights are not being negatively impacted in these trying circumstances.