How Does Toronto Spousal Support Work? Our Toronto family lawyers get asked questions on Toronto spousal alimony more than any other area of family law. Our top-rated Toronto family lawyers help both paying and receiving spouses to set the correct amount and duration. Our experienced and winning family lawyers have appeared in the Supreme Court of Canada on the leading spousal support review case (on a case where support was set below the low end of the SSAG by Lorne MacLean, QC for the payor) and we recently obtained a record-setting decision of $100,000 per month for spousal support ( Yes! per month) and close to $6 million of a combined lump sum spousal and child support. Click here to learn more about our key wins in the area.
How Does Toronto Spousal Support Work? 416 900 3428

Maclean Law focuses on medium to high net worth spousal support cases involving business persons, professionals, and entrepreneurs. We also ferret out hidden income with tremendous success through, forensic audits, Mareva injunctions, and record interim spousal support awards, and a record discovery of $2.7 million of hidden cash on a recent success for our delighted client. The results of our tenacious efforts led to a jail sentence for the husband.
Toronto Alimony Lawyers 416 900 3428
Toronto spousal support can be a very difficult issue for separating spouses – recipient spouses may feel they are not getting enough; paying spouses may feel they are paying too much or that the other spouse is not entitled to even receive Toronto spousal alimony. Sometimes Toronto spousal support can become the ‘elephant in the room’ for separating spouses. Ask our top-rated family lawyers from Canada’s national family law firm how much and for how long Toronto spousal support should be paid, whether it should even be paid at all, and about the different ways Toronto support can be paid. Here is a great article Lorne MacLean, QC wrote on how support is calculated under the Spousal Support Guidelines formulas.
Toronto Spousal Support Lawyers 416 900 3428
How Does Toronto Spousal Support Work? Toronto alimony can be based on many factors. Separating spouses could determine their need for spousal support and their ability to pay spousal support based on their respective household budgets but the concepts of compensatory and needs-based support are key. Separated couples, lawyers, and judges must look to the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (SSAGs). To avoid disaster, you must input the proper income. Proper income calculations require a thorough review of financial statements for self-employed professionals and business owners and for those who have cash income, foreign income, and capital gains income. See our record win in Devathasan ( starting in paragraph 327) for how we ferreted out hidden income, exposed missing cash income, and then properly calculated foreign tax benefits and pre-tax profits to set a record judgment in our delighted client’s favour.
How Does High Income Spousal Support Work?
Our Devathasan case proves that an award of nearly $25 million of property does not mean you will be denied substantial support in a long marriage if certain factors are met when the paying spouse earns over $350,000 per year. Ask us what the SASAG $350,000 spousal income soft cap means concerning your particular case when you meet with us. In general terms, judges have the ability to depart from the SSAG guidelines once the paying spouse’s income exceeds $350,000 and:
- In the past for incomes not too far above the $350,000 soft cap ceiling, courts frequently ordered an amount at the low end of the SSAG range for the amount of income;
- For incomes far above the ceiling, the majority of outcomes wind up below the SSAG ranges, sometimes well below at the highest income levels.
- Even in cases far above the ceiling, however, some courts have fixed amounts within the SSAG range for high incomes.
- Our lawyers have seen increasingly generous awards as more time passes since the 2005 creation of the Spousal support guidelines and of course, our $100,000 a month support award in Devathasan which was turned into a multimillion-dollar lump sum award confirms this.
Toronto spousal support is never a specific number – it lies within a range of possible amounts, durations, and forms. Ask our top-rated family lawyers from Canada’s national family law firm about the many factors and considerations that go into determining Toronto spousal support.
Toronto spousal support is not always forever but a long marriage and the rule of 20 and 65 may mean the obligation lasts a lifetime. repartnering does not automatically end spousal support. Short-term relationships may justify short-term financial support but if children are born different rules apply for the duration. Mid-length relationships may call for mid-length financial support, often from half the length of the relationship to the full length of the relationship, depending on the circumstances. Long-term relationships may justify spousal support of an indefinite period. Toronto spousal support can be reviewed and possibly terminated if there has been a substantial change in circumstances of the separated spouses – decreased income; re-marriage; retirement; inheritance, etc. Find out how Toronto spousal support can be changed from our top-rated family lawyers from Canada’s national family law firm.
Contact our Toronto spousal support and Toronto spousal alimony lawyers today at 416 900 3428