Gaslighting secret family law abuse prevention lawyers help separated spouses who are the victims of emotional abuse obtain justice. In today’s blog, Kaye Booth discusses “gaslighting” as a secret form of emotional abuse that can plague your divorce. “Gaslighting” in a family law context means: manipulating (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity. We help stop this sinister and disturbing form of abuse and we help victims understand their perceptions of what really happened during the relationship are not wrong as their gaslighting spouse attempts to make them believe. Maclean Law is Canada’s national family law firm.
Gaslighting Secret Family Law Abuse 1 877 602 9900
Emotional abuse can be insidious, damaging, and world-changing, even without the threat of physical violence. When emotional abuse causes you to doubt your own reality and invalidates your emotions, this is referred to as “gas-lighting”. Gas-lighting is an extremely effective form of manipulation, where the manipulator convinces the target that they cannot trust their own perceptions of events and emotions, altering the power dynamic of the relationship and destroying the target’s self-esteem and self-efficacy, as well as their trust in others. Our Gas-Lighting secret family law abuse prevention lawyers help spouses regain their perception of reality and help stop manipulative abusers in their tracks. Read this to learn about warning signs that you are a victim of gaslighting.
Perhaps one partner suspects the other is having an affair and is told that they are “crazy”. Perhaps one partner remembers their partner yelled at them and broke a plate during their last argument, and is told that they are misremembering and that it never happened. Black is white, water is dry, and you cannot trust your instincts. As a result, the only person you can trust is your partner. Our skilled Gaslighting secret family law abuse prevention lawyers know the tricks and the countermeasures to be deployed to keep you safe and to ensure you obtain a proper child parenting time result that accounts for this form of family violence. Our Gaslighting secret family law abuse lawyers will also ensure that hidden income and assets are discovered and divided fairly.

Gaslighting Secret Family Law Abuse Prevention Lawyers 1 877 602 9900
Some examples of gas-lighting behaviour include:
- Pretending to not understand what the other person is saying;
- Making statements that they later deny;
- Challenging the other person’s memory of facts and events;
- Telling the other person that others are talking about them behind their back;
- Suggestions that the other partner is imagining things or is “crazy”;
- Invalidates the other person’s feelings;
- Attacking your worth, and using the things you love against you;
- Giving you occasional positive reinforcement to lower your guard.
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1 877 602 9900
Gas-lighting is all too common in relationships where one party is a narcissist (for more information about how to deal with narcissists, see Peter Graburn, our Senior Associate in Calgary and Toronto’s blog here ). This behaviour can lead to the deterioration of the target’s self-esteem, sense of worth, and overall happiness. It is an especially difficult form of abuse, because it is difficult to identify, or to explain to others.
This is why when a client is thinking of separating from someone who is emotionally abusive, or is in the middle of a divorce with someone with narcissistic attributes, the lawyers at MacLean Law always warn them to never listen to this odious opposing party. They may tell you what they think of the law, what they are entitled to, and all the things that you are doing that are wrong. They may attack your parenting, your ability to support yourself, and your understanding of the legal system. This does not mean they are correct. This is why it is imperative to have a strong advocate by your side to inform you of your rights, validate your reality, and stand up for you and your children.
If you find that you are always asking yourself “Am I too sensitive?”, you are always apologizing to your partner for things that are not your fault or in your control, or your partner is constantly belittling you or contradicting you, you may be experiencing gas-lighting. It is important to relearn how to trust your reality, and practice compassion for yourself. You may need help to extricate yourself from the relationship, either from friends, a mental health professional, and/or a legal professional. The lawyers at MacLean Law are passionate about protecting your interests, and helping you to stand up for what is right. Call Kaye Booth today or any one of our top-rated family lawyers toll-free at 1 877 602 9900 and let us help you take a stand.
MacLean Law Helps Gaslighting Victims Get Mental Health Support 1 877 602 9900
NOTE: It is important to seek help from a mental health professional if you think you may be a victim of emotional abuse, and reach out to friends and family outside of the relationship so that you do not become isolated. If you are in immediate danger, it is always all right to call the police and protect yourself and your family. If you ever need to talk to a mental health volunteer right away because you are in crisis, you can call (403) 266-HELP, for the Calgary Distress Centre.
Call our Gaslighting secret family law abuse prevention lawyers today to get the help you need before real damage occurs to you and your children.