MacLean Family Law is proud to announce our nomination for a Top Choice Award for Best Vancouver Family Law Lawyers. The firm was awarded Top Family Law firm for multiple years and has won every year since 2016.
We would appreciate your support as we work every day to earn your vote and help our clients move forward with their family matters.
You can vote for us here.
You can also read more about the award first then view the nominees and categories.
- Once you’ve arrived at the Top Choice Nomination page, type MacLean Law into the search box.
- You will then see the Top Choice Family Law Firm of 2022 in Vancouver category.
- Click Vote and proceed with the questions. The process takes only a few minutes.
The Top Choice Award collects and reviews the opinions of thousands of customers annually. You also have the chance to win! By voting, you will automatically be entered for a chance to win a cash prize of $500 given out by Top Choice Awards!
Voting ends December 20th, 2021. You can also contact Top Choice Awards via email or phone to vote for us.
MacLean Law offers award winning expertise, a collaborative approach and progressive practices. Named one of the top 25 most influential lawyers by Canadian Lawyer Magazine, Lorne MacLean, QC, leads a team with a great track record and the expertise to obtain a fair and equitable resolution to family matters.
Lorne MacLean, Q.C. was named one of the top 25 most influential lawyers of 2020 based on his impact on family law in British Columbia. He and his team of dedicated lawyers have achieved precedent-setting wins in domestic and international family matters.
Our Mainland BC, Calgary and Toronto family lawyers have 8 offices to help you and your children resolve family matters. MacLean Family Law has been named Vancouver’s Best Family Lawyers by Top Choice awards for multiple years due to our dedication and excellent client service and we need your help to go for the Gold again!
Thank you again for your continued support.
Yours truly,
Lorne N. MacLean, QC