Working as a Future Family Lawyer at MacLean Law. The future strength of Canada as a nation depends on how well our children thrive as they develop into productive adult members of society. Family law touches more Canadian families than any other area of law so it is critical we as lawyers, social workers, therapists and judges handle family law disputes properly. We all remember our exciting days as law students and this month a bright new law student has joined our team. In today’s blog, she talks about her passions and dreams as a new law student working for the summer at our office. MacLean Law has multiple awards as Best Vancouver Family Law Firm, Canadian Family Law Firm of The Year Excellence Awardee, Top 3 divorce lawyers and BIV 500 Business Leader in complex family law matters.
An Allard Law Student’s Perspective on working at MacLean Family Law written by Arissa Javer, first year law student at UBC Allard Law.
Law has always been of the utmost interest to me, ever since the divorce of my parents. At a young age, I was introduced to Lorne MacLean, KC, as well as his team of family lawyers at MacLean Family Law. Their tireless work would eventually inspire me to embark on a journey to help other families in need. I was curious about what is it like working as a future Family Lawyer at MacLean Law?
My name is Arissa Javer and I am a UBC student starting at Peter A. Allard School of Law in September. Throughout my academic journey leading to my acceptance at Allard Law, I have taken courses in fields of political science, business, and sociology. These classes have inspired me to study law by giving me a deeper understanding of how bodies of law significantly impact the actions and attitudes of individuals.

Moreover, I have taken law classes at Harvard University and Brown University in pre-college programs, which have taught me about the consequential impact this practice has on individuals from all walks of life. These courses motivated me to become a lawyer to aid vulnerable people.
Family Law Is A Critically Important Area of Law
More importantly, however, years of conversing with and observing MacLean Family Law lawyers, who have been extremely dedicated to improving my own family’s unstable state, have shown me how important family law is in ensuring the happiness of children and the civility between partners during a divorce. Lorne and his team inspired me to become a family lawyer to look out for the best interests of divorcees and be the voice for children who have been involuntarily put into complex and stressful situations.
While classes I have been in and family-law-related experiences I have encountered encouraged me to obtain a legal education, I wanted to experience the workings of a family law firm first-hand – especially prior to receiving an education at Allard Law. Gaining this practical knowledge would shape my understanding of how law firms and lawyers operate and would enable me to make connections with other workers in my desired profession. Of course, the first law firm that crossed my mind was the MacLean Family Law firm. Not only has my family had extremely
positive experiences with Lorne MacLean, KC, and his lawyers, but this firm is known for its top-rate legal service. I’d like to share my experience Working as a Future Family Lawyer at MacLean Law.
Working as a Future Family Lawyer at MacLean Law
Remarkably, since its genesis in 1983, MacLean Family Law, under the direction of Lorne MacLean, KC, has grown immensely. It is now one of the most experienced and progressive family law firms in Canada with numerous accolades. Discernibly then, Lorne MacLean, KC, is one of my greatest role models. Owing to his immense success and diligence, it has always been a dream of mine to be a member of the MacLean Family Law firm and work alongside him and the other accomplished lawyers.
MacLean Law Handles High Net worth Family Files
To gain the authentic experience I longed for, I emailed Lorne MacLean, KC, notified him about my passion for family law, and asked if I could volunteer at his law firm. As I have not yet begun my studies at Allard Law, I informed him that I simply wanted to gain knowledge on how a flourishing law firm functions, irrespective of the work I was given. In other words, I wanted to acquire insight on the day-to-day lives of family lawyers, as this is something I have not yet come across, yet aspire to experience. In a matter of minutes, Lorne responded to my email and advised me that I would be able to join his Vancouver firm over the summer as a Summer Student. He told me that I would be able to help out around the firm and work on compelling projects that would make use of my skills and that would teach me more about law firms and the work of family lawyers. I was beyond ecstatic and extremely grateful to Lorne for giving me the chance to volunteer in his law firm and immediately after my school exams were over, I began my first day of volunteering at the MacLean Family Law firm.
In all sincerity, I was anxious about beginning my volunteer experience at the MacLean Family Law firm. As aforementioned, this law firm is one of the highest-rated firms in the country and I was unsure of how the lawyers and legal staff would treat me, especially due to my age and the fact that I have not yet begun law school. Otherwise said, I had never spent a full day in a law firm, let alone work in one. I was uncertain of what to expect, particularly because I was going to be there every week for the entirety of summer. Although I had taken classes on the practice of law, both in high school and at university, I had never learnt about the everyday operations of a law firm.
Accordingly, whilst I was beyond excited to start volunteering at the MacLean Family Law firm and begin my law journey, I was also apprehensive about the experiences and people that I would be encountering each day.
A Nervous First Day Working as a Future Family Lawyer at MacLean Law
On my first day volunteering at the firm, I was filled with jitters. As the elevator doors
opened and I read the words “MacLean Law” in large silver letters, a big smile formed on my face. I
couldn’t believe my dream of volunteering at this firm was coming true. Not only was I introduced to Lorne
MacLean, KC, himself, who welcomed me with open arms, but I was also introduced to the other legal staff the lawyers, the legal assistants, and the paralegals among others. These workers ranged in age and background, which allowed me to feel more comfortable in my own skin. In addition, I met the receptionist, with whom I would be working for my first few days at the law firm.
Once I had met everyone in the office, my nerves steadily vanished. I began to work at the front desk alongside the receptionist, and she trained me on what to do in a clear and friendly manner. To my pleasure, I am now able to perform many of the reception jobs on my own. This includes filing documents, greeting clients and showing them to
the meeting rooms, sending messages to the lawyers and their assistants, answering the phone, and answering clients’ questions regarding the work that is carried out by MacLean family lawyers.
Respectful Workplace
Furthermore, I already felt at ease working in the law firm and being around the legal workers who would constantly pass by the reception desk. Despite the fact that it was only my first day, every staff member treated me with respect regardless of my status at the firm. Whereas I was always of the belief that a high-quality law firm like the MacLean Family Law firm would consist of workers too busy to take notice of a mere Summer Student, my initial experience at this firm was very different than what I had expected. Not only did Lorne and his team make an effort to welcome me and make me feel comfortable, they were also open to teaching me new skills and expanding my legal
Team Approach Working as a Future Family Lawyer at MacLean Law
Along with the kindness that the MacLean team showed me during my first days at the office, I was amazed at how interactive this law firm is. While it is apparent that a lawyer’s job consists of collaboration, I had never thought of a law firm as a united group of individuals. It was only during my first few hours at the MacLean Family Law firm when I discovered how much of a community this law firm truly is. At all times, the lawyers and legal workers interact with one another in an amicable manner. They constantly aid one another, support one another, and work together on
projects and cases, which is very inspiring.
Collaborative and Supportive Work Environment
Perceptibly, the dynamics between the employees at the MacLean Family Law firm are equivalent to that of a real family. All the workers are comfortable with one another and enjoy each other’s company. Despite being extremely busy, they are thoughtful towards each other and always have a smile on their faces. In fact, on my second day at the office, it was Administrative Professionals Day. To my surprise, in spite of the rigor of the workers, this day was celebrated at the firm. The administrative staff were given tokens of appreciation and snacks were provided in the
kitchen for all workers. Evidently then, the MacLean Family Law firm is not composed of lawyers and legal workers who work in solitude; on the contrary, this law firm is a close-knit, welcoming community in which workers of all kinds help one another in any way that they can. Consequently, the workers of the MacLean Family Law firm are not, in any way, intimidating or hard to get acquainted with.
Remarkably, the united atmosphere of this law firm has further motivated me to become a lawyer. One day, I, too, hope to be part of a successful firm, like the MacLean Family Law firm, where the hard work of all employees is appreciated and respected. Although I have only been volunteering at the MacLean Family Law firm for a few weeks
now, I have already obtained substantial information concerning how lawyers work on a daily basis and how a successful family law firm operates.
Key Law Firm Words To Know
To retain this important knowledge, I have been compiling my very own “Law Dictionary,” in which I write new words or phrases that I have come across in the firm such as Affidavits (sworn evidence by witnesses) Pleadings (basically a court document that is a table of contents of relief you want or opposes) Exhibits (documents that prove what you say on asset values, debts, photos or expenses and children’s needs are true). In addition to their names, I explain what each term means and give examples of their use in a practical sense. I plan to refer back to this dictionary when I have begun my studies at Allard Law and utilize it to familiarize myself with terms used in conversations around the firm for the rest of this summer. Fortunately, I have also made connections with the employees of this law firm, who have provided me with a better understanding of the types of jobs present at a law firm that enable it to run smoothly. As a result, I have learnt useful skills that will help me in my law journey and I feel much more confident in my volunteering abilities at the firm.
The Future Looks Bright For Arissa Javer
As I carry on volunteering at the MacLean Family Law firm over the rest of the summer, I hope to learn new things and continue to encounter important experiences that will shape my knowledge of family lawyers and law firms. I am very excited to continue my work here for the next few months and am so thankful, once again, to Lorne MacLean, KC, for giving me the opportunity to spend my summer break at this top-rate law firm. I cannot wait to see what the rest of my volunteering experience holds, and I am ready to face new challenges alongside the lawyers and legal
workers of the MacLean Family Law firm, Vancouver. I hope this blog gives you insight into what it is like Working as a Future Family Lawyer at MacLean Law.
If you are going through a high net worth or international family law separation you can contact any of the top lawyers at MacLean Law.