Wondering how Vancouver collaborative divorce works. Wondering how to Divorce collaboratively? When does Vancouver collaborative divorce work? When is Vancouver Collaborative divorce inappropriate? How Vancouver Collaborative Divorce Works 1 877 602 9900 Divorcing or separating couples have many questions and fears when they break up. Our award winning Vancouver family lawyers are often asked how […]
Stopping Family Violence and Coercive Control
MacLean Law’s lawyers focus on stopping family violence and coercive control. We also ensure false claims of family violence for strategic purposes are exposed. Since family violence often happens behind closed doors, stopping family violence and coercive control takes experienced family violence lawyers. For immediate help call one of our experienced BC or Calgary family […]
Marriage Like Relationships and WESA Intestacy
Marriage Like Relationships and WESA Intestacy problems are more common now that more people don’t go through a formal marriage yet live in committed long term relationships. Our Vancouver Marriage Like Relationships and WESA Intestacy lawyers handle these cases frequently. Eleanor Surajballi discusses the key principles from a new BC Appeal Court decision. In this […]
Family Violence And Parenting Time
Family Violence And Parenting Time is a hot button issue with lawyers and psychologists right now. Our highly rated lawyers are often asked about the impact of one family violence incident on parenting time. Is family violence involving children and parents fatal to ever spending quality time with your children? Should it be treated lightly […]
What Is Child Parenting Coordination?
What Is Child Parenting Coordination?: Is a question our BC and Alberta family lawyers get asked a lot. Senior family lawyer Peter Graburn provides answers to a number of questions regarding child parenting coordination for family clients in Alberta and BC. Family separation and divorce can involve many issues: parenting of children; financial support; division […]
Family Company Financial Disclosure Lawyers
Family Company Financial Disclosure Lawyers help people obtain and provide fair financial disclosure in cases involving, companies, trusts, professional practices, proprietorships and partnerships. Peter Graburn, our managing lawyer in Calgary sets out the rules in today’s blog. As anyone who has gone through a separation and divorce will know, there are a number of basic […]
Vancouver Support Payment Garnishing Orders
Vancouver Support Payment Garnishing Orders are an effective way of ensuring recalcitrant paying spouses meet their spousal and child support obligations. MacLean Family Law consistently achieves amazing results for their clients, including a record-setting decision for the highest monthly spousal support and child support order in BC history. Our lawyers also set the records for […]
Best Imputed Income Support Lawyers
The best imputed income support lawyers in Calgary are pleased to see a new decision bringing Alberta imputed support principles into line with the rest of Canada. In today’s blog, Brianne Beckie of our Calgary office explains what the Best Imputed Income Support Lawyers tips are for child and spousal support cases. Calgary Best Imputed […]
温哥华最佳家庭法律师所 BC省最佳华人家庭法律师
温哥华最佳家庭法律师所 BC省最佳华人家庭法律师 谁是温哥华最佳家庭法律师? 洛恩麦克莱恩, K.C. (King’s Counsel BC省前 5% 律师) 刚刚在温哥华的 BIV BC 500 中被评为商业领域的顶级高净值家庭法律师。表彰了不列颠哥伦比亚省 500 位最具影响力的商业领袖。 洛恩麦克莱恩赢得数百万美元的财产部门的胜利、创纪录的成本奖、也赢得了卑诗省最高配偶和子女抚养费奖。最重要的是我们懂得帮助客户及其子女在分居后如何继续在新的生活中赢得到妥当的安排。 中文热线:604 682 6466 我们的律师在整个不列颠哥伦比亚省、卡尔加里和多伦多市中心都有代理。 我们公司为客户创造了许多新纪录的胜利。客观确定谁是最好的温哥华家庭律师的方法包括: 亲自与他们会面,看看他们是否同情事实真相,并且提供客观有用的策略看看是否有道理的,这些策略可以为您赚取或节省大量时间与金钱。 确保他们拥有一支由初级律师和助理所组成的强大团队。 审查显示该律师或律师事务所在各级法院赢得先例的家庭法历史的书面法院裁决; 确认他们获得了加拿大和温哥华顶级家庭律师的奖项; 获得专业推荐以及满意客户的推荐; 阅读满意客户的推荐信; 获得好评语,尤其是对手表示宁愿聘请他们的情况下; 观看他们在审判或上诉法院的诉讼; 查看各种在线评级指南; 确保他们处理最高风险的案件以及国际家庭法和离婚纠纷; 确保他们有能力帮助您的案件取得圆满成功; 看看是否会说普通话、广东话或旁遮普语,确保律师事务所拥有像麦克莱恩律师所一样的庞大且经验丰富的家庭法律团队,能否精通您的语言并熟悉您的文化; 和 从我们击败的对手那里获得推荐,获得好评说是最佳BC省的家庭律法律师之一。 如果您要求一位时薪较低的律师(温馨提示—这是处理您重大家庭法案件的次要方式),我们建议您确保初级家庭律师有高级律师的指导来监督他们并确保他们有效率地处理您的案件。 最佳BC省的家庭法律师拥有丰富的经验和制胜技巧,可帮助您在法庭上和法庭上解决问题。 提示:如果初级律师每小时按 200 美元收费,但从未处理过像您这样的案件,可能更加需要花 5 小时查看您案件的法律,这到头来需要您花费 1000 美元。但如果高级律师了解法律并成功地为类似案件辩护,他们多数花 1 小时告诉你相等于 500 美元的法律和制胜策略。 好好设想如何把您的钱换取最大的获益。 我们的创始人, 洛恩麦克莱恩QC也被《加拿大律师》杂志评为 2020 年加拿大前 […]
Vancouver Power of Attorney Abuse
What is Vancouver BC power of attorney abuse in elder abuse cases? Given the millions of dollars that wealthy elderly parents will transfer to their children, Vancouver power of attorney abuse is a huge issue and often family member’s fail to take steps to protect the millions owed to them. Lorne MacLean KC founder of […]