How Do You Cancel Child Support? A recent Ontario decision of Kerr v. Moussa, 2023 ONCJ 1 sets out a nice restatement of the law on this point. Our Vancouver, Victoria, Kelowna, Surrey and Calgary child support lawyers get asked: How Do You Cancel Child Support? frequently. The test to do so is stringent, and […]
Shared Parenting Set Off Child Support
Avoiding Shared Parenting Set Off Child Support Child support mistakes is simple – right? As we have repeatedly stated in previous articles, child support is the right of the child to receive, and the duty of each parent to pay. The federal and provincial Child Support Guidelines set out two (2) different types of child […]
What Is Child Parenting Coordination?
What Is Child Parenting Coordination?: Is a question our BC and Alberta family lawyers get asked a lot. Senior family lawyer Peter Graburn provides answers to a number of questions regarding child parenting coordination for family clients in Alberta and BC. Family separation and divorce can involve many issues: parenting of children; financial support; division […]
In today’s blog, paralegal Carly Crawford explains the basics of BC Separation Agreements. If you are about to, or have separated, you are probably wondering whether you need a BC separation agreement. We understand that BC separation agreements may seem intimidating and even a little daunting. That is why at MacLean Law, we have top […]
Best Without Notice Family Orders Lawyers
When you have a high stakes emergency family law case, you need the best without notice family orders lawyers. These orders may include section 91, injunctions under the Supreme Court family rules and worldwide Mareva injunctions. It makes good sense to hire the Best Without Notice Family Orders Lawyers when the case involves millions and/or […]
BC family law expert witness lawyers know psychologists, real estate valuators, business valuators and handwriting analysis experts may well be involved in your family law case. Our expert witness family lawyers act across BC, in Calgary and in downtown Toronto. Contact us early on so we can assist you in creating a winning family law […]
International Child Relocation Mobility Lawyers
International Child Relocation Mobility Lawyers handle national and international family law child move away, relocation and child mobility cases. Lorne N. MacLean, QC founder of our national team of International Child Relocation Mobility Lawyers explains the key principles from a new BC Court of Appeal decision. The comparative financial positions of each parent and how […]
Overnight Child Parenting Time
Overnight Child Parenting Time lawyers at MacLean Law act across Canada with offices across BC and in Calgary and Toronto. In today’s blog senior Calgary associate, Peter Graburn explains decisions in this area from across Canada. Parenting capacity and an individualized assessment of the child’s temperament are key. Clearly, the more involved each parent has […]
Covid-19 Parenting Time Disputes
BC and Canadian Covid-19 Parenting Time Disputes can involve: brand new applications for parenting time, changes to former parenting time plans because of Covid-19, and disputes, where a parent wants to reestablish the former parenting time plan after parenting time was disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic Today, hardworking Fort St. John lawyer Jaye Rutledge will […]
Mandarin Excluded Family Property Lawyers
Mandarin Excluded Family Property Lawyers at MacLean Law form one of the largest Mandarin and Cantonese fluent teams in Canada. Our Mandarin Excluded Family Property Lawyers act nationally with offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, and across BC where we have several offices in Victoria, Richmond, Surrey, and Fort St John. Go to our dedicated Chinese […]