BC child custody lawyers need to be aware of the the continuum of parental alienation and parental alienation syndrome that can include, alienation, estrangement and enmeshment. As Vancouver BC child custody lawyers we are aware of the following indicators of PAS:
“In another study ( defining the strategies of alienating parents ), Baker and
Darnell ( 2006 ) identify as many as 1,300 actions, categorized into 66 strategies.
These strategies are summarized into seven groups, plus a catch-all
miscellaneous group:
1. Badmouthing ( e.g. qualities, portrayed as dangerous, mean, abandoning;
using the rejected parent’s first name with the child instead of ” Mom or Dad “,
2. Limiting / interfering with parenting time (e.g., moving away, arranging
activities during scheduled time with rejected parent, calling during contact,
giving child “choice” about whether to have contact, etc.);
3. Limiting / interfering with mail or phone contact ( blocking, intercepting, or
monitoring calls and mail, etc.);
4. Limiting / interfering with symbolic contact ( limiting mentioning, no photographs,
having child call someone else “Mom” or “Dad”; changing child’s name, etc.);
5. Interfering with information (e.g., refusing to communicate, using child as
messenger not giving important school and medical information, etc.);
6. Emotional manipulation (e.g., withdrawing love, inducing guilt, interrogating child,
forcing child to choose/express loyalty or reject, rewarding for rejection, etc.);
7. Unhealthy alliance (e.g., fostering dependency, child having to spy, keep secrets,
8. Miscellaneous (e.g., badmouthing to friends, teachers, doctors, interfering with
the child’s counselling, creating conflict between child and rejected parent, etc.).”
If you suspect any of the above criteria are part of your child custody case or you are unfairly being accused of alienating a child call us immediately at 1 877 602 9900.