5 Ways To Protect Children During Divorce may well be one of the best articles you can read if you are separating and have children together.
Going through divorce is hard on a spouse but it’s even harder for their children and if there is one thing you must protect at all costs it’s your children. 5 Ways To Protect Children During Divorce is designed to help you and them resolve matters and move forward successfully.
Parents going through divorce cannot agree on much. But one thing they do agree on is that they are so grateful to have had their wonderful children. Your ex may not have been the best spouse but moving forward it will benefit your children for you to work together and support each other in bringing up healthy well adjusted and high functioning young adults.
It won’t be easy at the start but always remember before saying anything to your child about the other spouse to ask yourself “Do I love my child more than I dislike my spouse?” Remember-parents are forever. Click here for more free tips to protect your children and yourself.
MacLean Law is child focused and we know your children come first and you put their needs ahead of your own no matter how stressed or hurt you are. MacLean Law is Western Canada’s largest family law firm with 7 offices across BC in Vancouver, Surrey, Richmond, Kelowna and Fort St John and in Calgary Alberta and Winnipeg Manitoba. We are also multiple winners of Vancouver’s best family law firm. Call us toll free 1-877-602-9900.
5 Ways To Protect Children During Divorce #1
1) Minimize the Conflict For Your Children: If you are fighting with your partner, it is likely that your children know about it. This is the case, even when you think they don’t know. In comparison to adults, children are very sensitive to nonverbal cues, including voice tone, tension and anxiety. For your children’s well-being avoid all of the following behaviour: physical violence, denigrating the other parent, blaming the other parent, conveying negative information about the other parent, “confiding” in your child, any type of threats to the other parent and intense emotional displays within earshot of your children.
5 Ways To Protect Children During Divorce #2
2) Have the “separation talk” with your children: As hard as it may be, it is very important to have the “separation talk” with your children and talk to them about your decision. You may think that it may be better if you don’t, but research shows that most people deal substantially better with crisis situations when they have adequate relevant information. This information should do the following for your children: calm them, provide structure, help to organize their thinking, reduce anxiety, and promote security. Remember to be sensitive with your tone, never denigrate the other parent, be factual and not emotionally harmful to the children. If you are unable to control your emotions, it may be useful to discuss the “separation talk” with a counselor first.
5 Ways To Protect Children During Divorce #3
Maintaining a Positive Relationship with Your Children: It may be useful to go to counseling to ensure that you do not unload any baggage regarding your marital dispute onto your children. Developing a parenting schedule to ensure consistency and responsiveness to your child’s needs it very beneficial for your children’s well-being. In addition, developing a financial support plan that allows the children similar economic resources to the level that were provided during the marriage will ensure stability and security in your child’s world.
5 Ways To Protect Children During Divorce #4
Do Not Put Your Children in the Middle of Your Conflict: Children should never be used as messengers of hostility or confidants to the parent. If you can’t contain your hostility and other feelings, start counseling sessions immediately. Consider ways to minimize triggering these intense feelings around your children by doing the following: agreeing to neutral location drop-offs, email communication with the other parent and fewer exchanges.
5 Ways To Protect Children During Divorce #5
Reduce Nonessential Changes in the Child’s Life: Where possible, keep the child in the same school, day care, neighbourhood and activities. Do continue to nurture and care for your children as much as you did before, if not more during this time. It will be beneficial for both you and them. Children benefit greatly from your continued involvement in their lives, so make sure you continue to be involved with their homework and projects, provide them with authoritative parenting and have appropriate expectations on them regardless of what is happening with you and the other parent.
Hire one of our top-rated* family lawyers and learn in detail how else we can help you move forward. We hope our 5 Ways To Protect Children During Divorce article will lead to success for your new family future.
*Top Choice Award (2014, 2016, 2017 2018, 2019), Top rated reviews on Google, Yelp, threebestrated, lawerratingz.com. Read more about our awards.