Vancouver BC unbundled family law services lawyers help clients with basic Vancouver BC family law matters to resolve their family law cases successfully with less lawyer involvement and at a lower cost. Renowned family trial and Supreme Court of Canada lawyer Lorne MacLean, QC is often asked, “When is a Vancouver BC Unbundled Family Law Services case appropriate?”
Vancouver family lawyer, Fraser MacLean, answers why unbundled family law cases across BC out of our offices in Vancouver, Surrey, Kelowna, Fort St John, and Richmond BC can be a better option for BC family law client’s concerned about legal fees involving family law cases that demand a cost-effective approach.
Unbundling legal services allows clients and lawyers to decide which tasks are performed by the client and which are performed by the lawyer. Unbundled legal services are especially helpful to self-represented litigants, who often are not self-represented by choice, but are unable to afford to retain legal counsel.
The Legal Services Society of Bc has created a great infographic to give you an understanding of this approach.
Fraser MacLean Vancouver Family Lawyer 1 877 602 9900
MacLean Law has 6 offices across BC and in Calgary Alberta and is one of the largest, and most experienced family law firms in Canada. Our senior lawyers handle high net worth and the most difficult and complex international family law cases. Our team of junior and intermediate family law lawyers is passionate about ensuring our family law clients who need help but who have limited financial resources, are supported effectively in efficiently resolving important family law and divorce matters. In today’s blog, Vancouver BC Unbundled Family Law lawyer Fraser MacLean provides a great summary to help you successfully move forward after separation or divorce.
Vancouver BC Unbundled Family Law Lawyers 1 877 602 9900
MacLean Law’s top family lawyers are often asked: How many big family law cases do we handle?” Lorne MacLean, QC’s answer is: “Every family law case is a big case because that person’s family, finances and future hang in the balance and it is our job to help their family move forward as winners.” We get how important your family law case is and how costs need to be minimized.
Our Vancouver BC Unbundled Family Law services lawyers know that more Canadians are touched by the area of family law than any other area and we need to ensure the Courts get it right so our family units and Canada as a whole thrives. We feel it is imperative that Vancouver BC family law litigants obtain the best possible result when they want to handle part of the family law case themselves to save costs.
Vancouver BC Unbundled Family Law Services Lawyers Can Help 1 877 602 9900
When you are not in a position to hire a top family lawyer to handle your case from start to finish because of cost constraints there is another option to help you and your children obtain the best possible family law result. You can consult our junior lawyers at a cost-effective price to help guide you on negotiating, settling or taking your family law case to court. Our passionate and skilled lawyers can coach and guide you on family law issues and help you effectively deal with your family law case.
The BC Peoples Law School website points out how our top-rated Vancouver family lawyers can help you by:
Helping you assess the strength of your case by
- providing an opinion on the merits of your case
- providing strategic advice on your case (including options to resolve it
- providing advice on an agreement or another legal document before you sign it
Helping you prepare documents:
- drafting specific documents, such as an affidavit, a letter to the other side, or an agreement
- reviewing your draft of a document
- helping you organize your documents
Coaching you on how to:
- file court documents
- handle yourself in a mediation or negotiation
Representing you:
- in court for one application or hearing, or trial or
- during a mediation or med/arb proceeding
If you want committed and experienced Vancouver and BC family lawyers to fully handle your family law case or to provide you with Vancouver winning family law unbundled services call us now at 1 877 602 9900