Hiring Top BC Family Lawyers is the goal of many clients facing separation. The choice is key to how you are able to move forward after divorce and separation. Tal Wolf explains the proper way to find good legal representation and the traps to avoid when hiring top BC family lawyers. Find the best Vancouver family lawyers.
Vancouver Hiring Top BC Family Lawyers 1 877 602 9900
If you are involved in a divorce, child custody, or injury case, you will have to choose a lawyer. What are your criteria when: Hiring Top BC Family Lawyers? Your first instinct may be to seek out a “pit bull” and think that is the way to go. But be wary, brash is not always better. Being unpleasant or difficult to work with is not a sign of skill or strength. A lawyer who has developed their reputation as loving to “fight” or “go to the mat”, in many cases, will often end up putting you in a far worse off position financially. Call the Lawyers at MacLean Family Law to find what truly tough legal representation is about. We will be firmly on your side and resolute in your position, while privately advising you about risk and working with opposing counsel to make the litigation as positive an experience as possible.

- You will pay a premium for the brash lawyer’s services because they can’t prioritize the big picture. They won’t make any compromises, big or small, so nothing is done by agreement — everything has to be done the hard way. Because compromise or even getting along is perceived as a weakness by such lawyers, you will pay them more to not get along, and you are more likely to have to pay for unnecessary hearings and even a very expensive trial.
- You have more personal exposure to financial sanctions from the judge due to your aggressive lawyer’s hardline approach and inability to understand the spirit of the litigation and discovery process. The brash lawyer will refuse to give the other side your financial records. When the judge finds that refusal was unjustified, it will be you, not your lawyer, who pays the penalties (which may include thousands of dollars in fines).
- The system is set up so that the parties to a lawsuit have more power to resolve a case than a judge or jury does. Because your brash lawyer doesn’t care for this concept, the other side will have more opportunities to get creative with settlement offers and angles to incentivize resolution. You will leave thousands of dollars and tantalizing proposals on the negotiation table because your overly-aggressive lawyer is telling you to pass.
- Your brash lawyer is hyper-critical of opposing counsel. They hit the table in a rage and talk about how unethical their opponent is. They will send sharp letters and file documents full of denials, even requesting sanctions and lawyer fees against the other party when they aren’t merited. At mediation, they talk about how unreasonable the other lawyer is being. As your case develops, however, your options become more limited because of the way your lawyer has positioned your discovery responses, and due to rulings by the judge on issues that your lawyer could have resolved reasonably.
- At trial, in the opening statement, your brash lawyer makes the case about the lawyers. He will mention the other lawyer’s name in the opening statement and in the closing argument as if the case is about the lawyers’ lives rather than yours. Your story may not be told, because your case ends up being more about your lawyer’s ego. You will pay the price in the outcome, whereas you likely will have walked away from multiple opportunities to settle. You will be confused because the actual end result will be so different than what you were promised. You will remember the settlement offers the other side made, which your lawyer convinced you to dismiss outright – except now your situation is irreversible. It will be you, not your lawyer, who has to live with that outcome.
- To add insult to injury, you may find yourself having to pay tens of thousands of dollars in lawyer fees and legal disbursements for the other side, in addition to your own. When your opponent makes their case for reimbursement of those costs, you can be sure they will outline the insulting letters, the obstructive discovery objections, the unnecessary hearings, the settlement offers they made which were ignored, the behavior in the trial, and the outcome in trial. When you read through their brief, the truth of it will dawn on you, including their repeated efforts to try to resolve all sorts of interim issues with you during the case. Except now it will be too late to start cooperating.
Surrey Hiring Top BC Family Lawyers 1 877 602 9900
Relationships don’t always last forever. When it’s time to separate, call MacLean Family Law 1 877 602 9900 to discuss turning the page in a positive direction for your whole family. Our strength, skill, and experience are brought to bear when and as necessary, to maximize results while also, where possible, minimizing legal fees and negatives impact on your relationship with your spouse. If push comes to shove and your ex continues pursuing an unreasonable or overly aggressive legal position, our fight to protect your interests will be second to none. But otherwise, maintaining relationships, amicability and your children’s emotional well-being is far more important than “chest-beating” and seeing your former husband or wife “defeated”.