Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers help create HAPPY CHILDREN, HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Holiday time is approaching and thoughts naturally turn to family. The media often paints a perfect picture showing families enjoying food, gifts, and fun together. But in reality, holidays can be stressful. Whose turn is it this time to host? Where should it happen? Fly or drive? For children of divorcing parents, the stress is compounded by even more issues such as having several sets of family and friends. Many children like to be at home during the holidays and don’t want necessarily to spend the day traveling. Older children may have experienced family traditions that are special to them, and they may want to continue those. If the parents are willing to just be considerate of each other, options should abound for making the holidays happy times for all. In today’s blog Tal Wolf senior family lawyer at MacLean law provides the Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Solutions. Contact Tal directly at our Vancouver office or any of our top rated Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers across BC, in Calgary and in Toronto.
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Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers
1 877 602 9900
Call the Best Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers at MacLean Family Law for help navigating towards an effective parenting arrangement with your spouse. 1 877 602 9900
You Don’t Have to Do it Alone 1 877 602 9900
Holidays are not just about one person and spouses should not be in competition with each other over the details. Instead, parents need to communicate and coordinate with each other. If you are having difficulty negotiating the issues and logistics of family holidays, the Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers at MacLean Law can help facilitate your discussions with the other parent or their counsel. We can help make sure all the relevant parties’ needs and desires are properly accounted for, work to diffus any animosity, and guide you in finding the best resolutions for the holidays. We can also help you to come up with new family traditions, and ways to create new memories.
Winning Holiday Tips For Children And Parents
Here are some positive options for setting up a holiday schedule:
Split the Holiday – A good option for major holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas, splitting the holiday means children spend half the day with each parent. This solves the issue of parents and family members who don’t want to miss out on a holiday with the children for an entire year and works well if parents live near each other.
Schedule the Holiday Twice Each Year – This also works for parents who don’t want to miss the annual holiday or split the day. For example, one family celebrates Thanksgiving on Thursday while the other celebrates on Friday, or one celebrates Christmas Eve and the other Christmas Day.
Different Holidays for Each Parent – Some holidays may be more important to one parent than the other. Parents of different religions appreciate this option—one parent can celebrate Hanukah and the other Christmas.
Alternate the Holidays – Holidays can be assigned to parents on even or odd years. Parents don’t miss a holiday for more than one year in a row and it reduces the time children spend traveling.
Three-Day Weekends – Alternate the three-day weekend every year, splitting it in half, or alternating the holiday only.
If parents live close to each other, children usually spend Mother’s Day with their mother and Father’s Day with their father. Finally, parents will need to name specific start and end times, as well as assign transportation responsibilities, to avoid confusion on each holiday. Remember, holidays and vacation time always supersede the regular visitation schedule.
Call the Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers at MacLean Family Law to help you construct a holiday schedule that will be good for your children, and fair to both parents. 1 877 602 9900
Vancouver Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers 1 877 602 9900
At same time, parents must adhere to parenting schedules and plan their lives accordingly. Except for unforeseen emergencies, parents should not try to deviate from an agreed-upon schedule. Often times, parents who have conflicted relationships with their separated/divorced spouse will assume, or hope, that it is acceptable to make plans (e.g., buy tickets, make non-refundable reservations, etc.) before getting the other parent’s approval on a weekend that he or she knows is the other parent’s parenting time. Courts appropriately frown upon such actions.
It’s true that parents who work together cooperatively, with their children’s best interests at heart, can attempt to live with less than specific schedules. However, this situation is not common for the majority of parents and involves effort from both sides, particularly where one or both parents have jobs that do not have concrete schedules. Here are some general checklist tips for parenting schedules.
Even if you start off working well with the other side, the situation may change as the child gets older and new spousal partners become involved. That’s why the Best Special Holiday Parenting Time Lawyers at MacLean Family Law will always encourage you to have a specific parenting schedule so that you can plan your activities, holidays and vacations years in advance and avoid spending unnecessary time and money in Court.
Keep your children’s best interest at heart.
Discuss and attempt to agree on specific dates and times for vacations well in advance.
Any pre-agreed vacation schedule should be in writing, signed and dated by both parents and even filed with the Court to make it enforceable.
If a true emergency arises that would interfere with the other parent’s parenting time, amicably communicate this with the other parent as far in advance as possible.
Remember that, as your children grow, their needs will change, and the parenting schedule may need to be re-visited.
The Child Custody and Child Parenting Time Lawyers at MacLean Family Law are ready to help make sure the holidays are conflict-free, and a relaxing and joyous time for your family. Call 1 877 602 9900 now.