Calgary Family Lawyer Peter Graburn is the newest senior family law associate at MacLean Family Law’s Calgary Family Lawyer office. MacLean Law’s Calgary Family Lawyers team is committed to helping oil patch executives, entrepreneurs, businesspersons, professionals and their equally hardworking and supportive spouses resolve challenging matrimonial issues so they can move forward successfully. Calgary Family Lawyer Peter Graburn heads our Calgary family law office and he works out of our 10th floor Bankers Hall location at:
Regus Bankers Hall
888 – 3rd Street. SW, 10th Floor, West Tower
Calgary, AB
T2P 5C5Monday to Friday: 9.00 am – 5.00 pm
Tel: 403 444 5503
Calgary Family Lawyer Peter Graburn is accepting new medium to high net worth family matters involving:
- complex financial issues involving support and matrimonial property division
- tax issues affecting guideline income and proper gross ups for non-taxable or preferential treatment of different sources of income
- distributive and other tax issues involving different classes of assets including the family home, investment properties, investments, family businesses and how to develop effective strategies so all assets are valued fairly
- grey divorce issues including re-partnering, remarriage and retirement issues
- variation of support given recent tough times in the oil patch
- high conflict child parenting time disputes
- child mobility, move away and relocation cases
- matrimonial property restraining orders and management of businesses, partnerships and ventures pending trial and after trial or settlement;
- parental alienation disputes
- shared parenting time issues
- Appeals of spousal support, child support, matrimonial property, exempt property and child mobility decisions
- collaborative family law dispute resolutions
Understand how Alberta Matrimonial Property division works on relationship breakdown.
Understand how spousal support works in Alberta.
You should also be aware that the Federal Government has just tweaked the amounts a spouse pays under Child Support Guidelines that also impacts the WITH CHILD, WITHOUT CHILD and CUSTODIAL PAYOR FORMULAS figures. Get a direct link to the Updated User Guide For The Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines.
Senior Calgary Family Lawyers can be reached at 403-444-5503.