We love the best BC family divorce lawyers TV shows. The new Global Family Law TV Series, Season 1, Episode 1: Reality check From the Perspective of the Best British Columbia Family Law Lawyer. Moving forward Ana Sadovska will support Global’s Family Law show to ensure family law clients are properly educated on their family […]
Capital Gains Income and Support
Capital gains income and support disputes are becoming more common with some separated Canadians making huge capital gains wins on real estate and stocks. One of the main decisions judges and lawyers must make is properly calculating the real income of both spouses including how Capital Gains Income and Support intermesh in a family law […]
Unequal BC Family Property Division Misconduct
Unequal BC Family Property division Misconduct cases allow for unequal division of the Family Property pie due to misconduct during the relationship. In most cases, family property and debt is divided equally but there are some exceptions including where one spouse has disposed of family property inappropriately. In today’s blog Eleanor Surajballi explains the rules. […]
Best Divorce Child Relocation Lawyers
The best divorce child relocation lawyers at MacLean Law successfully help clients deal with applying for child move away cases or opposing these emotionally draining child relocation and mobility cases. The new Divorce Act has new rules for mobility and child relocation. In today’s blog Brianne Beckie explains the new rules that apply across Canada […]
Overnight Child Parenting Time
Overnight Child Parenting Time lawyers at MacLean Law act across Canada with offices across BC and in Calgary and Toronto. In today’s blog senior Calgary associate, Peter Graburn explains decisions in this area from across Canada. Parenting capacity and an individualized assessment of the child’s temperament are key. Clearly, the more involved each parent has […]
Child Parenting Covid-19 Vaccination Disputes
Child Parenting Covid-19 Vaccination Disputes are in full bloom now. MacLean Law recently won BC’s first Supreme Court case on the issue of ensuring a young child obtained all recommended vaccinations including COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines have been delivered across Canada. The Omicron variant is particularly odious. Parents are extremely stressed at present worrying about their children […]
Best BC Family Mediation Lawyers
The Best BC Family Mediation Lawyers know that just a few months ago, a new certification became a requirement of all Divorce lawsuits in the Supreme Court of BC. It requires family lawyers to encourage their clients, among other things, to try to resolve matters out of court, through a “family dispute resolution process”, also […]
SCC Says Decreasing Support Arrears Requires Disclosure
The new decision of Colucci v Colucci, 2021 SCC 24 stands for the proposition that the SCC Says Decreasing Support Arrears Requires Disclosure. Maclean Law lawyers have set a number of precedents in the Supreme Court of Canada in winning sole custody, special costs and 100 percent reapportionment of a home for our delighted client in […]
Best Family Law Courtroom Practices
Best Family Law Courtroom Practices. “Enough is enough.” Our top rated family lawyers know there is a difference between being firm and being uncivil. Clients need to know that winning in court requires finesse and persuasion, not a family counsel who acts like a bull in a china shop who loses credibility in front of […]
Managing Narcissists During Divorce and Separation
Managing Narcissists During Divorce and Separation is critical to allowing separated spouses and their children to move forward successfully to better times. In today’s blog Maclean Law senior family lawyer, Peter Graburn, explains how clinical narcissism affects separated families. Peter also provides tips on managing narcissists during divorce and separation. Many experts believe it is […]