Our Vancouver disputed Wills and contested estate litigation lawyers deal with cases where Wills are varied as unfair or otherwise found inappropriate due to lack of capacity or undue influence amongst other things. Our new WESA legislation came into effect on March 31, 2014. Big changes have been made where a Will maker has no […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
BC Marriage No Longer Revokes Your Will
The experienced BC contested and disputed wills and estate litigation lawyers at MacLean Estate Litigation handle Wills disputes across BC. Our estate and Will dispute offices are located in Vancouver, Surrey, Fort St John and Kelowna. Anne Hutchinson of our Fort St John office warns that New WESA legislation has changed the way a marriage […]
Vancouver Contested Will Dispute Lawyers
The experienced Vancouver estate and contested will dispute lawyers of MacLean Estate Litigation are pleased to provide free written updates on the new Wills and Estate litigation rules established by WESA, the Wills, Estates and Succession Act. These new rules have been in force since March 31, 2014 and now apply to all Vancouver contested Will […]
Vancouver BC Unfair Will Variation and WESA Lawyers
Separation, Remarriage and Undue influence all bring into play new rules under BC’s recently enacted “WESA” rules. Today we deal with separation and its impact on a BC Will under brand new wills and estates legislation called the BC Wills and Estates Succession Act (“WESA”). Lorne MacLean, QC and Nick Davies bring over a half century […]
Fort St John Dawson Creek Unfair BC Will Variation Lawyer
Our Fort St John Estate litigation and Unfair Wills Variation Office is conveniently located in Fort St John at 9503-100 Ave. Call us at 250-262-5052. Nick Davies, senior estate litigation lawyer and founding partner Lorne MacLean, QC head our BC wills variation, unfair wills disputes and Fort St John and Dawson Creek estate litigation dispute department. […]
BC Family Dispute Mediators and Arbitrators
MacLean Family Law has a team of three senior lawyers who are qualified to act across BC as family law mediators and family law arbitrators. The new focus of the BC Family Law Act is to encourage clients to reach cooperative and collaborative solutions to their marriage or relationship breakdown. Our senior BC family law […]
Vancouver Retroactive Spousal Support Lawyer
Vancouver Retroactive Spousal Support Lawyer Vancouver spousal support cases are often highly contentious. Our highly skilled Vancouver Retroactive Spousal Support Lawyer team, headed by Lorne MacLean Q.C. regularly deals with the tricky area of retroactive spousal support. Our Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines allow for a calculation of the amount and the length of spousal support. […]
Surrey Child Custody and Child Guardianship
Surrey Child Custody and Child Guardianship Our Surrey Child Custody and Child Guardianship lawyers know the new Family Law Act and Divorce Act both allow for Surrey Child Custody and Guardianship orders to be made. How does the court decide which Act to use? The answer is complicated and you need an experienced Surrey Child […]
BC Family Property-Book of Business
MacLean Law “Book of Biz” Appeal Decision Applied in BC Supreme Court The recent BC Family Law Court of Appeal decision in Lightle v Kotar 2014 BCCA 69 ( in which we acted for the successful Appellant) has been applied in a new BC Supreme Court family law case: SRM V NGTM 2014 BCSC 442, […]
Vancouver Parental Alienation Lawyer
Lorne MacLean, Q.C. heads our high conflict family law case department. The recent case of JCW v. JKRW involved a court ordered change of custody from a shared arrangement to a temporary exclusive custody arrangement. BC judges make it clear that if they find parental alienation is occurring they will not hesitate to take action. […]