BC Family law changes and clarification of the law related to BC Separation, BC, Cohabitation and BC prenuptial and Marriage Agreements are proposed in Family Relations Act Reform White Paper 2010 legislation which will include a separate section for Bc family agreements acknowledging the important role marriage and separation agreements play in resolving family law […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
BC Family law changes and clarification of the law related to BC Separation, BC, Cohabitation and BC prenuptial and Marriage Agreements are proposed in Family Relations Act Reform White Paper 2010 legislation which will include a separate section for Bc family agreements acknowledging the important role marriage and separation agreements play in resolving family law […]
New BC Family Relations Act Reform 2010
New BC Family Law changes- BC Family Relations Act Reform 2010 and the BC Family Law Act White Paper provides dramatic BC Family Law reforms to BC spousal support, BC family property division, BC common law property division, BC child custody-Lorne N. MacLean will be interviewed on the BC Family Relations Act Reform Law , […]
BC Child Custody – Parental Alienation
BC child custody lawyers need to be aware of the the continuum of parental alienation and parental alienation syndrome that can include, alienation, estrangement and enmeshment. As Vancouver BC child custody lawyers we are aware of the following indicators of PAS: “In another study ( defining the strategies of alienating parents ), Baker and Darnell […]
BC Family Asset & BC Property Division – New Rules
BC Family Law and Interim Distribution of BC Family Assets and Advances to Pay BC Legal Fees: Who Pays the Piper in Divorce? We are all familiar with the notion that he who pays the piper calls the tune, but what happens when you don’t have the money to pay the piper? In contested divorce […]
BC child custody courts have become more aware of Parental Alienation Syndrome in BC custody and access cases and psychological issues such as Borderline Personality Disorder affecting British Columbia custody and acesss parents that can impact on their ability as custodial or access parents and as persons who need to cooperate as guardians to raise their […]
Key Canadian Tax Decision Allows Deduction of Divorce and Family Law Legal Fees Related to BC Child Support
A new Tax Court ruling affecting BC child support legal fee deduction could help you save thousands provided your BC family law counsel is aware of this important development. Come see The BC child support lawyers at MacLean Family Law Group to learn more about how this important ruling affects you. In short a new […]
BC Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines-SSAG- BC Support Success Story for MacLean Family Law Group-Pre Tax Profits Used For High Support
Lorne MacLean BC SSAG support and spousal support guidelines lawyer, using the with child support spousal support advisory guideline formula, recently succeeded in obtaining a lucrative BC Spousal Support Advisory guideline ” SSAG” and BC child support guidelines award on behalf of his client, the wife, in a complex and high net worth BC guidelines […]
BC Grandparent Rights to Claim Child Custody Guardianship and Access to Their GrandChildren
Grandpa and Grandma: Becoming Parents All Over Again We have successfully represented BC grandparents in obtaining them custody guardianship, access and visitation rights. Under section 35 of the Family Relations Act, any person or persons may be granted custody of or access to a child . The reference to persons in this section includes parents, […]
Varying or Setting Aside Unfair BC Separation Agreements
We are often asked to review BC separation agreement or BC marriage agreements with a view to setting the BC separation or BC Marriage agreement aside and Shelagh Kinney of our BC Family Law office had a nice win recently in a case on behalf of the wife in L v. L, a BC Supreme […]