Calgary advance interim costs family lawyers help spouses fairly pursue their family law claims. In today’s blog, Peter Graburn of our Calgary family law office shows you how to obtain monies before your family trial to ensure you can hire an experieinced Calgary family lawyer to help you pursue your claim. Advance Interim Costs in […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
Valuing The Family Business On Separation
Valuing The Family Business On Separation is required when separating spouses have a family business, partnership interest, or professional practice. Dividing family businesses has a significant emotional component because spouses have often built them up during their relationship. Adding to the stress is the fact that the business, partnership or practice is the engine that […]
BC Child Custody Parenting 211 Report Lawyers
BC Child Custody Parenting 211 Report Lawyers deal with BC child custody and access, BC child parenting time and responsibilities and child relocation and mobility cases. The Court must focus ONLY on the best interests of the child(ren) in making any decision on these difficult questions. Family law Act Section 211 of the Family Law Act allows […]
Calgary Cohabitation Prenup Agreements Lawyers
Calgary Cohabitation Prenup Agreements lawyers help prepare, defend and in some cases set aside cohabitation, prenuptial agreements and marriage agreements. So, how does a court intervene to change or set aside a Calgary cohabitation agreement or Calgary prenuptial agreement ? In today’s blog one of our of experienced senior Calgary Cohabitation Prenup Agreements Lawyers at MacLean […]
Spousal Child Support Imputing Income Lawyers
Spousal Child Support Imputing Income Lawyers help ensure proper income is used to ensure paying and recipient spouses meet their legal obligations. MacLean Law’s Spousal Child Support Imputing Income Lawyers have noticed an ongoing problem with: under-reporting of income whether it be business owners; spouses who slack off or quit their jobs after an action is […]
Inadequate Disclosure Adverse Inference Lawyers
Inadequate Disclosure Adverse Inference Lawyers deal with a huge family law litigation problem often called the “cancer of family law litigation“. Our skilled and award winning, Inadequate Disclosure Adverse Inference Lawyers help: obtain full disclosure; obtain sanctions such as fines and special costs and jail time for non-disclosure; obtain Anton Piller raid Orders; obtain international Mareva […]
Calgary Common Law Pension Property Rights
Calgary Common Law Pension Property Rights – The thin edge of the wedge? Division of matrimonial property is a significant part of any family separation. But what if you are not married? What if you are living common-law? Do you have a right to a division of property with your partner? In BC common law […]
Vancouver Masters Interim Appeal Family Lawyers
Vancouver Masters Interim Appeal Family Lawyers routinely appear in Chambers across BC to argue interim spousal and child support disputes, child parenting time cases and personal and property restraining orders. Tal Wolf is one of our highly regarded senior downtown Vancouver associates. In today’s blog, Tal discusses what happens if a spouse disagrees with a […]
Death of Spouse Family Estate Lawyers
Our top rated Death of Spouse Family Estate lawyers and Vancouver family property division and estate litigation lawyers explain that the death of a spouse after separation and prior to commencement or resolution in a family proceeding does not mean the claim for family or estate litigation relief ends. If a separated spouse dies before […]
Significantly Unfair Unequal Family Property Division
One of the developing areas of BC family law involves Significantly Unfair Unequal Family Property Division. So how does unequal family property division work and what does “significantly unfair” mean? The Family Law Act established a new stricter test for the courts to depart from a presumptive 50/50 division of family property. BUT the famous […]