The top Child Relocation within BC’s Lower Mainland lawyers know that child relocation is one of the trickiest and hardest to decide of all child custody, parenting time and access cases. Moves to other countries or across Canada presents challenges of weighing the increased benefits of the moving plan for the child against the risk of […]
Surrey Section 211 Child Custody Report Lawyers
Surrey Section 211 Child Custody Report Lawyers understand that parents perceptions of what is in the best interests of their child can differ radically from one another. Both parents have the best interests of the child in mind but their plans for what they think is best for their child conflict frequently. MacLean Law is […]
Vancouver Sexual Abuse Child Custody Lawyers
Vancouver Sexual Abuse Child Custody Lawyers understand parents want to protect their children from harm, including harm from sexual predators. In some cases where sexual abuse has alleged to have occurred there is no doubt that it did. The police will be involved as well as the Ministry and the result is rarely in doubt. […]
Vancouver Parenting Time Denial
Vancouver denial of parenting time lawyers understand the heartbreak of a child being deprived of the love and guidance of two loving and caring parents after relationship breakdown. Lorne MacLean, QC was the winning counsel on Young v. Young, Canada’s leading case on the principle of a child being entitled to “maximum contact” with both […]
BC Parental Alienation Lawyers
Our highly rated* and respected BC family lawyers feel that BC Parental alienation is the cruelest form of family violence. While spouses may not stay together forever, our BC parental alienation lawyers know that “parents are forever”. We do not believe, a good parent in all other respects, is a fit and proper parent to […]
Vancouver Parental Alienation
The Vancouver Parental Alienation Lawyers at MacLean Law know that in high conflict separations, children often take sides with one parent – usually the parent who has the children for most of the time. They view the other parent (usually the absent parent), as all bad and attribute negative qualities to them. Your children’s […]
Positive Parenting Arrangements During the Summer Holidays
Summer is the time of year children look forward to the most. Remember being in school and counting down the days to summer? Two months of sleeping in, no homework, playing with friends, swimming, skateboarding, bike riding, visits to the cottage; campfires; slurpees, ice cream, watermelon, strawberries, toasted marshmallows and smores. For families who are separated […]
Vancouver Child Support
Our Vancouver child support lawyers handle all types of Vancouver and BC Child Support guidelines cases and often deal with exceptional cases that require solid legal strategies to successfully resolve for parents paying or receiving child support in Vancouver. We act across BC with 4 offices in Vancouver, Surrey, Kelowna and Fort St John. […]
Vancouver Shared Custody and Child Parenting Lawyer
Lorne MacLean, Q.C. was one of the first Vancouver family lawyers to champion shared child custody and shared child parenting as being in the best interests of a child. MacLean often tells Vancouver family courts “children don’t forfeit the love and guidance of two loving and concerned parents merely because of marriage breakdown.” In the […]
Best* Vancouver Child Custody Lawyer Parenting After Separation Tips
Vancouver BC child custody, access and guardianship lawyer, Lorne MacLean, Q.C. welcomes changes coming to BC’s child custody and access laws designed to promote settlement and a more child focused approach to resolving issues involving parenting children after separation. Get us involved early on in your separation so we can move your case towards a […]