COVID 19 Child Parenting Time International Travel disputes often involve urgent applications by one party to stop such travel, or failing this happening, to demand the return of children unwisely or wrongfully removed from BC. In today’s blog, Lorne MacLean, QC summarizes the law and facts courts are looking at to determine what happens to […]
Calgary Family Property Act Cohabitation Agreements
Calgary Family Property Act Cohabitation Agreements are now a hot topic in Alberta. An odd thing happened during COVID-19. While the news was occupied with the COVID-19 social and economic shutdown, common-law couples in Alberta gained the same property rights upon relationship breakdown as married couples. This was a significant development in family law in Alberta. […]
COVID 19 Division of Family Property
COVID 19 Division of Family Property is a hot button issue for separated parties in Calgary and BC. Nearly three months into the COVID-19 social and economic shut-down, things are starting to get back to (a new) normal – some retail and personal (ie. barbers, doctors, dentists, etc.) services are re-opening; cafes, restaurants, pubs, and […]
Spousal Support Immigration Sponsorship Agreements
Spousal Support Immigration Sponsorship Agreements disputes focus on spousal support entitlement, spousal support amount, and spousal support duration in what are often short marriage cases. Calgary Spousal Support lawyers help newcomers in Canada maintain their standard of living after separation. Even if your marriage was short, you may be entitled to spousal support. Spousal Support […]
Gifts as Income for Child Support
Gifts as Income for Child Support is a tricky family law topic. Our Gifts as Income for Child Support lawyers in BC and Alberta handle these challenging family law cases on behalf of spouses seeking child support as well as for those against whom a child support award is sought. Senior family lawyer, Peter Graburn […]
Setting Aside Marriage Separation Agreements
Our top-rated lawyers routinely represent family law clients in cases involving Setting Aside Marriage Separation Agreements. The new BC Supreme Court case of Y.L v G.L. 2020 BCSC 808 provides an amazing summary of how courts decide Setting Aside Marriage Separation Agreements disputes. Lorne MacLean, QC leads our team of property, support, and child parenting […]
Best Vancouver Spousal Support Tips
Best Vancouver Spousal Support Tips explain what a court looks at in deciding to award support and on what basis support may be awarded. Lorne N. MacLean, QC holds the record for spousal support in BC at $100,000 per month in the 2019 D v. D. The principles for high net worth spousal support show […]
Vancouver Child Custody Parenting COVID 19
Vancouver Child Custody Parenting COVID 19 cases are beginning to show up frequently. A new decision from Mr. Justice Riley of the BC Supreme Court establishes a nice summary for parents wondering what to do with Vancouver Child Custody Parenting COVID 19 child parenting disputes. MacLean Law lawyers help parents take a child-focused approach. Remember, […]
Vancouver Family Injunctions Lawyers
Vancouver Family Injunctions Lawyers obtain personal and property protection orders including, conduct orders, lifetime protection orders, property freezing, and property restraining orders. MacLean Law has set the bar for successfully obtaining lifetime protection orders, conduct orders, and international worldwide property restraining and hidden property disclosure orders. Hire top family lawyers who obtain results other lawyers […]
Vancouver Family Property Valuation During COVID 19
Vancouver Family Property Valuation During COVID 19 lawyers protect medium to high net worth family law clients in perilous times. Our lawyers have set records for high net worth property and support awards and are available to assist you now. Vancouver Family Property Valuation During COVID 19 is a hot button issue. Trials and settlements […]