Vancouver Unfair Marriage Agreement Lawyers deal with cases where one party that has signed a marriage, prenup or cohabitation agreement wants to attack the fairness of that agreement on separation. Marriage agreements, as well as prenups and cohabitation agreements, can be attacked and set aside on common law grounds of: unconscionability, lack of independent legal […]
Child Relocation Move Away Lawyers
Child relocation move away Lawyers deal with cases where separated parents of a child cannot agree where a child will live. In today’s modern economy people often wish to move out of a town where the separated parents used to live as a couple. Sometimes they want to move for education, or for a new […]
Transgender Rights Family Law Lawyers
In today’s blog, Fort St. John articling student Jaye Rutledge writes about an upcoming British Columbia Court of Appeal case dealing with the rights of a transgender child to obtain hormone therapy for gender dysphoria and a protection order made against the child’s father. Jaye is a transgender woman and she is pleased to offer Family […]
3 Best BC Family Separation Tips
3 Best BC Family Separation Tips are designed to help you deal with and master some key principles related to family separation in BC. Karsten Erzinger one of our dedicated, Kelowna office family law associates, wrote this blog to set out 3 Things to Know About Separation in British Columbia. 3 Best BC Family Separation […]
Vancouver Unequal Division Of Excluded Property
Vancouver Unequal Division Of Excluded Property is a hot button Vancouver separation issue that our BC Court of Appeal has just dealt with for the first time. When an excluded property is placed in joint names, the exclusion from sharing just its starting value can often be lost and the full value of this asset may […]
Double Dipping Spousal Support Lawyers
Double Dipping Spousal Support Lawyers deal with spousal support cases involving company property valuations involving multiple of earnings valuations and pensions that have been bought out in a previous family settlement. In today’s blog, Peter Graburn of our Calgary office and Fraser MacLean of our Vancouver office explain the complexities of company valuation disputes involving […]
5 Best Calgary Divorce Tips
5 Best Calgary Divorce Tips by our senior Calgary family lawyer Peter Graburn are designed to help you and your new family unit move forward successfully after a Calgary divorce. In a previous article on Calgary Separation Agreements, we noted that 38% of Canadian marriages end in divorce. Our Calgary separation agreement lawyers know some […]
Vancouver Spousal Support Post Separation Income Increases
Vancouver Spousal Support Post Separation Income Increases cause significant spousal support variation disputes. The child support guidelines mandate annual corrections and you would be wise to have an annual exchange of income information to ensure proper child support is paid when incomes change. Spousal support variations are not automatic and rarely occur annually. The spousal […]
Vancouver BC Unbundled Family Law
Vancouver BC unbundled family law services lawyers help clients with basic Vancouver BC family law matters to resolve their family law cases successfully with less lawyer involvement and at a lower cost. Renowned family trial and Supreme Court of Canada lawyer Lorne MacLean, QC is often asked, “When is a Vancouver BC Unbundled Family Law […]
Avoid Vancouver Separation Date Mistakes
How do you Avoid Vancouver Separation Date Mistakes? In today’s blog, Rana Yavari will help you avoid Vancouver separation date mistakes by explaining why you need to pay attention to this important date to ensure your family law rights and divorce claims are properly protected. There are strict time limits relating to the date of […]