Section 211 custody critique reports are used to dispute custody and parenting capacity Family Law Act section 211 reports. There are strict rules for whether or not a critique report will be accepted into evidence by the court in a child parenting time and responsibilities dispute. The goal in BC family law is to have […]
Lump Sum Child Spousal Support
Lump Sum Child Spousal Support lawyers handle cases where monthly periodic support is replaced with a fixed sum of support. Lump sum support is not deductible off the paying spouse’s tax return nor is it declared as income on the recipient’s tax return. Monthly child support is not tax deductible by the paying spouse (since […]
BC Child Mobility Relocation Lawyers
BC Child Mobility Relocation Lawyers at MacLean law handle child mobility, child relocation, and child move away cases on a regular basis. The Family Law Act has its own set of rules for relocation and the Divorce Act is now in the process of setting up a new set of rules that will take effect […]
Supervised Child Access Parenting Time
Supervised Child Access Parenting Time has to balance the need of a child to maintain maximum contact with both parents while ensuring the child’s best interests are promoted and the child remains safe. The Supreme Court of Canada says the determination of the child’s best interests requires a full and sensitive inquiry. The inquiry must […]
Best Retroactive Child Support Tips
Best Retroactive Child Support Tips will help ensure your child is supported properly after separation. On May 16, 2019, the Supreme Court of Canada granted leave to hear an appeal of the recent BC Family Law retroactive child support decision Graydon v Michel 2018 BCCA 449. Graydon is about retroactive child support, the process of […]
Top 5 Ways to Keep Custody of your Child!
The experienced BC Family Lawyers at MacLean Law know that one of the hardest parts of splitting up is splitting the time that each of you get with your children. As you read this, the child custody issue may already have “blown up” between you and your ex. They already may have threatened to fight […]
New BC Divorce Act Changes Relocation
New BC Divorce Act Changes Relocation Lawyers at MacLean Law took the time to extract the new sections from Bill 78 that received Royal assent in the third week of June 2019 week. Guidelines were given under the BC Family Law Act in 2013 but our NEW BC DIVORCE ACT CHANGES RELOCATION LAWYERS noted inconsistent […]
5 Reasons to Reduce Child Support
Top 5 Reasons to Reduce Child Support (Undue Hardship) are explained by senior Calgary family Lawyer, Peter Graburn, who heads our downtown Calgary family law office. Child support is the right of the child – both parents have a duty to financially support their dependent children. But for the past 5 years (most agree the […]
New Changes To Canada’s Divorce Act
MacLean Law’s New Changes To Canada’s Divorce Act Lawyers note that Bill C-78 to update the Divorce Act, 1985 was tabled a year ago and received Royal assent on June 21 2019. Here’s the link to the bill and a past article from the Globe. This is the first time the 1985 Divorce Act will […]
Vancouver Postnup Marriage Agreements
Vancouver Postnup marriage agreements are currently in vogue for movies stars and wealthy married couples. Many Vancouver or Calgary spouses involved in or who are about to take their committed relationships to the next level have heard of prenups but have you ever heard of a postnup? In today’s blog renowned divorce lawyer Lorne Maclean, […]