High Income Support Do the Guidelines apply? We get asked this question frequently. Peter Graburn one of our team of high net worth Calgary and Vancouver separation lawyers explains the principles that apply to the vexing question: High Income Support Do the Guidelines apply? Hiring multiple award winning family lawyers who handle high net worth divorce and separations […]
Family Law Offers To Settle Costs Explained
In today’s blog, titled Family Law Offers To Settle Costs Explained, Lorne N. MacLean, QC explains how an offer to settle in a BC family law case is a powerful tool to encourage both sides to make and accept reasonable offers to settle their BC Supreme Court family law case. You are well advised to […]
Surrey Spousal Support Variation Lawyers
Surrey Spousal Support Variation Lawyers deal with family law cases that establish the starting amount of spousal support. Surrey Spousal Support Variation Lawyers also handle variations or changes to BC spousal support. In today’s blog, Gurdeep Randhawa of our Surrey office explains how Surrey spousal support variations work. Surrey Spousal Support Variation Lawyers 604-576-5400 A […]
Preventing Child Relocation Child Mobility Lawyers
Preventing Child Relocation Child Mobility Lawyers work tirelessly to maintain critical maximum contact between both parents and their children. In Canada’s ever more mobile society people move all the time. In intact families this change isn’t that heart wrenching. But contrast that to when the parents are separated and one parent wants to move away […]
Vancouver Family Trial Lawyer Tips
Vancouver Family Trial lawyer Tips can help you increase your chances of success at trial and help you properly prepare to be a credible and believable witness on the stand. Trials are stressful and discoveries that precede the trial require both the client and their family lawyer to be prepared. Here is one of Lorne […]
Vancouver BC Family Debt Lawyers
Vancouver BC Family Debt Lawyers explain: What is Vancouver BC family debt? In today’s family law blog, Rana Yavari, articled student, at our team of top rated* Vancouver BC Family Debt Lawyers explains What is Vancouver BC family debt? Family debts include debts or financial obligations incurred by either spouse during the course of their relationship (namely […]
Calgary Advance Interim Costs Family Lawyers
Calgary advance interim costs family lawyers help spouses fairly pursue their family law claims. In today’s blog, Peter Graburn of our Calgary family law office shows you how to obtain monies before your family trial to ensure you can hire an experieinced Calgary family lawyer to help you pursue your claim. Advance Interim Costs in […]
Valuing The Family Business On Separation
Valuing The Family Business On Separation is required when separating spouses have a family business, partnership interest, or professional practice. Dividing family businesses has a significant emotional component because spouses have often built them up during their relationship. Adding to the stress is the fact that the business, partnership or practice is the engine that […]
BC Child Custody Parenting 211 Report Lawyers
BC Child Custody Parenting 211 Report Lawyers deal with BC child custody and access, BC child parenting time and responsibilities and child relocation and mobility cases. The Court must focus ONLY on the best interests of the child(ren) in making any decision on these difficult questions. Family law Act Section 211 of the Family Law Act allows […]
Spousal Child Support Imputing Income Lawyers
Spousal Child Support Imputing Income Lawyers help ensure proper income is used to ensure paying and recipient spouses meet their legal obligations. MacLean Law’s Spousal Child Support Imputing Income Lawyers have noticed an ongoing problem with: under-reporting of income whether it be business owners; spouses who slack off or quit their jobs after an action is […]