BC Step Parent Child Support Lawyers are often asked: ARE BC STEP-PARENTS REQUIRED TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT? The answer is yes in many cases – but different rules may apply to a BC step parent’s obligation to support a child that is not theirs but is someone whom they share a new home with. Our top rated BC […]
Calgary Alberta Child Custody Lawyers
Calgary Alberta Child Custody Lawyers help Calgary family law clients resolve disagreements over what is in the best interests of their children post separation. Often, Calgary family law clients have a different view of what is in the best interests of their children. Our top rated* Calgary Alberta Child Custody Lawyers help Calgary family law […]
Calgary Interim Child Support Lawyers
Calgary Interim Child Support Lawyers handle cases of spousal and child support that occur after separation and before trial of a Calgary family law trial. Trials often take months to be heard after separation due to the fact the Calgary family law courts are backlogged with work. Spouses and children have urgent financial needs that […]
Calgary Supervised Parenting Time Lawyers
How do I get supervised parenting time in Calgary? Calgary Supervised Parenting Time Lawyers deal with disputes over the time a child of separated parents spends with each of them. MacLean Law’s Lawyers also help out with arguments over who makes decisions for the child’s upbringing. Finally, Calgary Supervised Parenting Time Lawyers deal with issues […]
Calgary Family Support Lawyers
Calgary Family Support Lawyers: How can I pay less spousal support? Calgary Family Support Lawyers deal with issues of, entitlement, whether compensatory or needs based, quantum being the amount paid and duration meaning how long payments should last. Calgary Family Support Lawyers also deal with variation, suspension and termination of support based on a material change […]
Calgary Child Special Expenses Lawyers
How can I get more Calgary Child Support? How can I get more Calgary Child Support? In today’s blog, our Calgary Child Special Expenses lawyers explain what child section 7 special expenses are and how they are calculated. When there are children involved in the breakdown of a marriage or relationship, typically one parent is responsible […]
Chinese Foreign Family Judgment Enforcement Lawyers
Is my Chinese foreign family law judgment enforceable in BC? Chinese Foreign Family Judgment Enforcement Lawyers deal with cases where foreign family law judgments may or may not be enforceable in BC. The savvy Chinese Foreign Family Judgment Enforcement Lawyers at MacLean Family Law also handle multi-million dollar cases where BC courts need to determine whether […]
BC Parenting Time Child’s Wishes
BC Parenting Time Child’s Wishes lawyers deal with cases where the child’s wishes on how they want their time to be shared with their parents play an important role. Powerful legal and social science research indicates taking the child’s wishes into account leads to better outcomes in child custody and parenting time disagreements. BC Parenting […]
BC Spousal Support Retirement Lawyers
What happens to spousal support after retirement? What happens to spousal support after retirement? BC SPOUSAL SUPPORT RETIREMENT LAWYERS at MacLean Law deal with the stressful situation of how separating spouses deal with a decline in a family breadwinner’s income. Our top rated lawyers handle cases of early retirement, involuntary retirement, voluntary retirement and cases where […]
Calgary Collaborative Family Law Lawyers
How does collaboration work during separation or divorce? Calgary Collaborative Family Law Lawyers provide a pathway to successfully resolve family law disagreements between separating spouses. Collaborative Family Law is a process designed to resolve family law disputes as quickly, inexpensively and amicably as possible. MacLean Law’s Calgary Collaborative Family Law Lawyers are led by senior Calgary family […]