Our BC shared parenting tax deduction lawyers know there are tax benefits available to married and separated spouses who are raising children. Using tax credits benefits and deductions makes good sense given the high cost of raising children. In today’s blog, Kelowna associates provides our Best* BC Shared Parenting Tax Deduction Tips Lawyers strategies so you don’t […]
Varying Child Custody Parenting Arrangements
Varying Child Custody Parenting Arrangements is an emotional and complex area of family law. In today’s blog MacLean law founder, Lorne N. MacLean, QC winning counsel in Young v. Young, Canada’s leading child custody case, explains the rules involved in obtaining or refusing an order Varying Child Custody Parenting Arrangements. The test for Varying Child Custody Parenting […]
Calgary Child Support Guideline Income Lawyers
Calgary Child Support Guideline Income Lawyers deal with cases involving the proper calculation of guideline income for employed persons, business owners and professionals, recipients of capital gains income and those who receive tax free income including disability benefits. Fair child support depends on a proper calculation of the paying parent’s income. Calgary Child Support Guideline […]
Vancouver Calgary Step Parent Child Support
Vancouver Calgary Step Parent Child Support cases involve more discretion than do child support cases between natural parents. The court has the power to depart from the Child Support Guidelines amounts in Vancouver Calgary Step Parent Child Support disputes. The concept of the biological parent bearing primary responsibility for paying child support applies but this does […]
Best* Calgary Family Divorce Lawyers Tips
MacLean Law’s top-ranked* Calgary family lawyers provide Best* Calgary family divorce lawyers tips in today’s blog by founder Lorne N. MacLean, QC. It can take more than one year for the parties to obtain a trial date in Calgary, Alberta. Calgary divorce clients, who have been separated more than a year, or who have other grounds […]
Vancouver Child Guardianship Dispute Lawyers
Our award winning Vancouver Child Guardianship Dispute Lawyers handle Vancouver and Calgary child custody, child guardianship and parenting time and parenting responsibilities cases. Our team of Vancouver Child Guardianship Dispute Lawyers has 5 offices in BC located in downtown Vancouver, Surrey, Richmond, Kelowna and Fort St John, BC. Our Calgary parenting time and Calgary child guardianship […]
BC Excluded Property Tracing Lawyers
MacLean Law’s award winning BC Excluded Property Tracing Lawyers constantly track developments regarding how BC courts deal with excluded property. Since the seminal BC Court of Appeal decision in VJF lawyers have closely watched how excluded property that is commingled into jointly owned property is dealt with. Is the exclusion automatically lost and if not when […]
Vancouver Interim Spousal Support No Entitlement Lawyers
Vancouver Interim Spousal Support No Entitlement Lawyers deal with disputes involving contractual, compensatory and non-compensatory claims. Interim Spousal Support No Entitlement Lawyers argue that although interim support hearings do not involve as stringent an analysis of entitlement as a trial would, some evidence of entitlement must be presented to succeed on an interim claim for […]
Child Support Parental Relationship Termination
In today’s blog Lorne N MacLean, QC founder of our top rated* Child Support Parental Relationship Termination lawyers analyzes the recent and uncommon result in the BC Supreme Court decision of Oleksiewicz v. Oleksiewicz. Separated parents have a duty to pay child support that routinely extends past age 19 when a child attends post secondary education. […]
Vancouver Calgary Child Parenting Appeal Lawyers
Top* Vancouver Calgary Child Parenting Appeal Lawyers review child custody judgments for palpable and overriding errors of fact and errors of law. Vancouver and Calgary child parenting time disputes involve emotionally charged disputes where trust is often strained if not non-existent. The best Vancouver Calgary child parenting Appeal Lawyers know that the results of trials of […]