Spousal Support Retirement Variation Termination cases involve balancing someone coming to the end of their working career against the need for indefinite support for a spouse who is dependent on spousal support to met their financial needs. What happens when the paying spouse who after a long marriage wants to retire early? Should spousal support […]
Vancouver Lump Sum Imputed Income Lawyers
Vancouver Lump Sum Imputed Income Lawyers deal with issues related to monthly periodic as well as lump sum support. In both of these types of support calculations, experienced Vancouver Lump Sum Imputed Income Lawyers know that plugging in the correct income for both the paying and receiving spouse is crucial to avoid mistakes. The best Vancouver […]
Vancouver Calgary Family Gifts Loans Dispute Lawyers
Our Vancouver Calgary Family Gifts Loans Dispute Lawyers know all parents try to help their children have the best future possible. Our Vancouver Calgary Family Gifts Loans Dispute Lawyers also know this often means parents may lend or even gift their children money or a home. Sometimes they may lend or gift a downpayment to their […]
Shared Section 7 Nanny Daycare Expenses
Shared Section 7 Nanny Daycare Expenses are often reasonable and necessary to enable one parent to work or reeducate themselves after relationship breakdown. In other post separation circumstances, when a spouse is ill or disabled, Shared Section 7 Nanny Daycare Expenses may also be awarded by the courts. But an award for these child support […]
Vancouver Express Resulting Trust Lawyers
Vancouver express resulting trust lawyers at MacLean Family Law point out this area of law is often crucial to family and estate litigation disputes involving assets worth millions of dollars. Vancouver express resulting trust lawyers know that the evidence involved in dealing with these cases is often old, witnesses may be deceased and documents evidencing […]
Vancouver Excluded Family Property Lawyers
Vancouver Excluded Family Property Lawyers at MacLean Law appreciate the guidance provided by our Court of Appeal in this week’s decision of Shih v. Shih. Our Vancouver Excluded Family Property Lawyers appreciate that the case provides crucial guidance for family lawyers and their clients in settling cases involving excluded property. Meet with us to ensure you have […]
Top* Vancouver Support Reduction Lawyers
Your Top* Vancouver Support Reduction Lawyers apply for and defend against applications to vary and reduce Vancouver, BC and Calgary spousal or child support Orders. In today’s blog, Tal Wolf, top Vancouver Support Reduction Lawyers (from Google Reviews), explains what must be proven to reduce prior court ordered spousal and child support awards. THE FIX FOR […]
Vancouver Calgary Grandparents Rights Lawyers
Vancouver Calgary Grandparents Rights Lawyers deal with cases where grandparents of children want to exercise custody, parenting time, guardianship or even child access and child contact. Our award winning Vancouver Calgary Grandparents Rights Lawyers handle these difficult cases with skill and finesse. Click here to meet with us in Vancouver, Calgary, Surrey, Richmond, Kelowna or Fort […]
Vancouver Calgary Parenting Time Alcohol Lawyers
Vancouver Calgary Parenting Time Alcohol Lawyers at award winning Maclean Law deal with cases where parenting time or child contact is denied, supervised or made conditional when a parent’s alcohol or drug abuse impairs their parenting capacity. MacLean Family Law has won Best Family Law Firm for 3 out of the last 4 years and […]
Vancouver Variation Reduce Support Lawyers
Lorne N MacLean, QC addresses the thorny issue of applications to reduce or cancel support due to a material change in circumstances in today’s blog. Our award winning Vancouver Variation Reduce Support Lawyers explain the test to vary or reduce support is designed to ensure frequent court applications do not occur if there has been […]