Calgary Adult Child of Marriage Child Support One of the more difficult aspects of Calgary child support, involves cases of children over the age of majority when Calgary Adult Child of Marriage Child Support is claimed. Calgary family law separated parents often ask our Calgary family lawyers what the rules are for disputed Calgary Adult […]
Custody and Parenting Arrangement Lawyers
Custody and Parenting Arrangement Lawyers Our custody and parenting arrangement lawyers led by Lorne N. MacLean, QC, have noticed how custody and parenting arrangements have progressed over time moving from the one primary parent theory in the 1970’s to joint custody in the 1980’s and 1990’s but not necessarily equal time to the now more […]
Vancouver Cross Over Spousal Support
Vancouver Cross Over Spousal Support Alert Our top rated family lawyers warn that, clients and nonspecialist lawyers dabbling in family law, must be very aware of the Vancouver cross over spousal support issue before settling their spousal support cases. Many clients and lawyers are aware we have 2 formulas for calculating spousal support under the Spousal […]
Calgary Relocation and Child Mobility Lawyers
Calgary Relocation and Child Mobility Lawyers Our Calgary relocation and Child mobility lawyers (403-444-5503) believe a child does not forfeit the love and guidance of two caring and concerned parents merely because of relationship breakdown. Our Calgary relocation and child mobility lawyers also know that Calgary child mobility cases, also known as Calgary Child relocation cases, […]
Surrey Equal Division of Family Property
Surrey Equal Division of Family Property Our Surrey equal division of family property lawyers know that the test to obtain more than half of Surrey family property on relationship breakdown is now harder than ever. Who paid for something, who did more chores, or who earns more or less when a relationship breaks down are […]
Vancouver Separation Date Lawyers
Vancouver Separation Date Lawyers help you deal with the tricky legal issue of when parties separated. Vancouver Separation Date Lawyers know that time limits apply for relief under our family property legislation and also for liability for spousal support both regarding how long you lived together and how long you were separated. Millions of dollars […]
Vancouver Judicial Case Conference Lawyers
Our top rated* Vancouver judicial case conference lawyers regularly help clients prepare for and attend their family judicial case conferences (“JCC”). Vancouver judicial case conference lawyers know that a JCC is an informal court meeting where a Judge tries to help the parties and their lawyer settle the entire case, settle part of the case […]
Calgary Matrimonial Property Division Lawyers
Calgary matrimonial property division lawyers 403 444 5503 – Fair Disclosure in Matrimonial Cases Our Calgary matrimonial property division lawyers handle hundreds of family cases each year. Skilled Calgary matrimonial property division lawyers ensure they make and receive full financial disclosure in a Calgary matrimonial property division and support case. Top Calgary matrimonial property division lawyers understand […]
Calgary Family Lawyer
The Calgary family lawyer team at MacLean family law often are asked by clients “can interim orders be appealed?” Our Calgary family lawyer members explain that interim orders are intended to be “rough justice: awards often made on incomplete evidence and often done with time pressure to get interim relief in place that allows parties […]
Calgary Unequal Matrimonial Property Division
Calgary Unequal Matrimonial Property Division 403-444-5503 Our new Calgary Unequal Matrimonial Property Division office is now open on the 10th Floor of Banker’s Hall in Calgary and our phone number is 403-444-5503. Calgary and the rest of Alberta has suffered some financial setbacks to their economy and stocks and real estate values there have taken […]