The skilled and experienced Interim Parenting Time Lawyers at MacLean Law have handled hundreds of these crucial cases as BC’s largest family law firm. Proper preparation early on can lead to positive results in obtaining Interim Parenting Time Orders. Our family law associate MacLean Law’s, Get It Right At The Start In a high conflict separation/divorce many […]
BC Supplemental IPP Pension Plan Division
Don’t Miss Out On Million Dollar Pensions! Lorne MacLean, QC just chaired an excellent Pacific Business Law Institute conference for lawyers, accountants and financial planners on “the Grey Divorce” and explained a number of high net worth family property division issues. One of the hot topics at the conference was BC Supplemental IPP Pension Plan Division […]
Surrey Retroactive Child Support
Surrey Retroactive Child Support. What happens when a paying spouses income declines and they cannot pay child support and can’t afford to hire a lawyer to reduce the support to a proper level? In the old days it was very hard to cancel arrears when the paying spouse didn’t immediately return to court to reduce […]
BC Parental Loans and Debts
BC Parental Loans and Debts Alert. Our BC parental loans and debts lawyers see more than spouses fighting in court after a marriage breaks down. Our BC Family Law Act cases can involve more than the two spouses when parents of one of the spouses are involved with advancing money to the couple. BC Parental Loans and […]
Spousal Support Appeal Lawyer
Lorne MacLean, QC is MacLean Law’s senior spousal support appeal lawyer. He routinely handles complex and high net worth spousal support cases and BC spousal support appeals at the highest level. As a seasoned and accomplished spousal support appeal lawyer, he is one of a very few family lawyers in Canada to have multiple appearances in […]
Vancouver Family Debt Lawyers
Vancouver Family Debt Explained By MacLean Law’s Vancouver Family Debt Lawyers Our new Family Law Act mandates that parties are presumptively jointly liable to pay off their equal share of family debt. Our Vancouver family debt lawyers deal with disputes over whether a debt is a Vancouver family debt or one party’s sole debt. But what […]
Parenting Time Lawyers In Vancouver
Our parenting time lawyers in Vancouver know high conflict cases are unfortunately all too common. We often tell parents it is “now or never” to get started on a child focused approach to settling their case. However, in cases where parents can’t reach a solution themselves early intervention by: our Parenting Time Lawyers In Vancouver together […]
Surrey Spousal Assault Family Lawyers
By Tal Wolf MacLean Law’s Surrey spousal assault family lawyers have zero tolerance for domestic violence and abuse. But MacLean Law’s Surrey spousal assault family lawyers also have zero tolerance for false claims of spousal assault or abuse made to gain improper advantage in a family law case, such as wrongfully bolstering possession of property, […]
BC Child Relocation Appeal
The BC Child Relocation Appeal decision of Bassett v. Magee dealt with several issues in the underlying family litigation but our MacLean Family Law blog focuses on the children’s primary residence and relocation portion of this important judgment. Respecting the BC child relocation appeal, it was determined at trial that mother could move away with the […]
Fort St John Excluded Property
MacLean Law has successfully handled hundreds of Fort St John family property, Fort St John excluded property and Fort St John unequal division of family property cases since its inception in 1983. Our firm has grown to be the largest family law firm in BC and we proudly man 4 offices across BC in Fort […]