Lorne MacLean, Q.C. manages our wealth preservation family law department in Vancouver, South Surrey and White Rock. MacLean Law is proud to have been named Vancouver’s top family law firm by Top Choice Awards. Our top rated South Surrey high net worth family law and major estate litigation lawyers see real dangers for separating and […]
South Surrey High Income and Imputed Income Support Lawyer
Lorne MacLean, Q.C. is the highly rated founder of MacLean Family Law which was just pronounced Vancouver’s top family law firm by Top Choice Awards. Mr. MacLean handles the high asset family property and high income cases that involve businesspersons, stockbrokers, doctors, dentists and other professionals and their spouses in downtown Vancouver and South Surrey […]
Vancouver Family Law Settlements And Agreements
Vancouver Family Law Settlements And Agreements High income and high net worth Vancouver family law lawyer, Lorne MacLean, Q.C. focuses on negotiating, mediating, arbitrating and if necessary litigating complex family law cases. Lorne MacLean, Q.C. heads Vancouver’s top rated family law firm as selected by Top Choice Awards. Most settlements take some time to negotiate […]
Vancouver Spousal Support issues in short marriages with young children
Traditionally, marriages with children, and where one parent has been a homemaker, spousal support is substantial and long lasting. In British Columbia, it is much more common to see marriages with children dissolve in shorter periods of time. It is these custodial or stay-at-home parents who face the most serious disadvantages for long-term financial independence […]
Top* Vancouver Family Law Lawyers
MacLean Law Voted Top* Vancouver Family Law Lawyers for 2014 Lorne MacLean, Q.C. is delighted to have had MacLean Law voted as the top family law firm in Vancouver by the respected Top Choice Awards based upon independent surveys conducted in Vancouver and across Canada. MacLean Law Highly Rated By Other Rating Systems MacLean’s firm […]
Vancouver Family Law Act Mediators Best Mediation Practices
Our family law mediators, arbitrators and parenting coordinators always advise our clients that they should not try to negotiate their own family law settlement in the absence of proper legal advice given BEFORE NOT AFTER they make a deal. Our BC family law mediation, arbitration and parenting coordination department is one of BC’s largest, […]
Vancouver BC Child Support Intentional Underemployment Lawyer
Desire to Work Part Time to Care for Children not Sufficient to Avoid Finding of Intentional Underemployment Vancouver BC Child Support Intentional Underemployment Lawyers know that one of the most contentious child support issues occurs when people fight over what each person’s real income is or should be. Canadians expect people to work hard to […]
Vancouver Child Guardianship Lawyers
Our highly rated Vancouver BC Child Guardianship Lawyers explain to our BC family law clients that the concept of joint guardianship is no longer alive in BC under the new Family Law Act. A recent BC Court of Appeal case dealt with the impact of BC child guardianship and parenting responsibilities under the new act […]
BC Family Dispute Mediators and Arbitrators
MacLean Family Law has a team of three senior lawyers who are qualified to act across BC as family law mediators and family law arbitrators. The new focus of the BC Family Law Act is to encourage clients to reach cooperative and collaborative solutions to their marriage or relationship breakdown. Our senior BC family law […]
Vancouver Retroactive Spousal Support Lawyer
Vancouver Retroactive Spousal Support Lawyer Vancouver spousal support cases are often highly contentious. Our highly skilled Vancouver Retroactive Spousal Support Lawyer team, headed by Lorne MacLean Q.C. regularly deals with the tricky area of retroactive spousal support. Our Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines allow for a calculation of the amount and the length of spousal support. […]