Vancouver interim family appeals face a serious hurdle before being allowed to proceed. Our family rules discourage Vancouver interim family appeals and encourage prompt steps towards having a trial judge decide the family law, child parenting and financial issues. Leave is required for any Vancouver interim family appeals. The reason for this is that family matters that […]
Interim Support Variation
Interim Support variation disputes can occur both before trial and a correction by way of an interim support variation can occur at the trial once all of the evidence has been properly put before the trial judge. Interim support orders are made on incomplete evidence and without benefit of seeing and hearing witnesses and observing […]
Retroactive Spousal Support
Our BC retroactive spousal support lawyers want our clients to avoid the need to bring on a retroactive spousal support application. Delay in increasing or reducing spousal support just adds aggravation to the already stressful spousal support dynamic. MacLean Law’s retroactive spousal support lawyers are part of BC’s largest family law team and we have 4 offices […]
Vancouver Interim Spousal Support
Vancouver interim spousal support lawyer Lorne MacLean, QC heads our highly rated and experienced team of BC family lawyers. With 4 offices located across British Columbia, the Vancouver interim spousal support lawyers of MacLean Law focus on applying for and defending against Vancouver interim spousal support claims that focus on medium to ultra high net worth and […]
BC Marriage Like Relationship
As top rated BC marriage like relationship lawyers we know the definition of common law relationships and BC marriage like relationships has evolved over the years. Since spousal support and property division now depend heavily on a determination of whether two spouse were in a BC marriage like relationship, also called a common law marriage relationship, we […]
Spousal Support Appeal Lawyer
Lorne MacLean, QC is MacLean Law’s senior spousal support appeal lawyer. He routinely handles complex and high net worth spousal support cases and BC spousal support appeals at the highest level. As a seasoned and accomplished spousal support appeal lawyer, he is one of a very few family lawyers in Canada to have multiple appearances in […]
Surrey Spousal Support
Surrey Spousal Support is an issue that involves both an analysis of whether spousal support should be awarded on contractual, compensatory ( someone suffered disadvantage) or non- compensatory (means and needs). It also involves a proper calculation of each spouse’s income. The test for a Surrey spousal support claim is not what each spouse earns […]
Surrey Spousal Support Variation
Our Surrey spousal support variation lawyers frequently assist our clients in making Surrey spousal support variation and Surrey spousal support termination cases. Many people erroneously think the instant an ex-spouse remarries or enters into a new common law relationship spousal support paid by their former spouse ends. This is simply not correct although it might […]
Surrey Determination of Guideline Support Income
Coming to a proper Surrey determination of guideline support income for support cases is often tricky. A recent guideline income determination case from our highest court points out why it pays to hire a top notch Surrey spousal and child support lawyer to ensure disasters are avoided. Don’t Make A Huge Support Mistake Surrey determination […]
Vancouver Lump Sum Support
Tax Implications of Vancouver retroactive lump-sum support Have you or someone you know been ordered to pay a retroactive lump-sum support? Our Vancouver Lump Sum Support lawyers know the rules that apply to this area of family support law such as interest on late payments, reductions for loss of tax deductions and inclusions, and for future […]