The recent BC Court of Appeal of RWL v. LB restates the settled law of imputing a realistic income to a paying spouse and the law is equally applicable to an underemployed recipient spouse.. We cannot allow children or spouses to be under supported because spouses deliberately or foolishly earn less then they can. Similarly […]
The BC family lawyers at the MacLean Family Law Group want unmarried persons, couples in short term, marriage like, or common law relationships and those who may simply be dating or having casual sexual relations to think very carefully about whether they want to be parents early on in a relationship. The stakes and consequences […]
As British Columbia spousal and child support lawyers we are often asked when a BC lump sum spousal and child support award will be made. It is important to note that child support payments whether lump sum or periodic are not tax deductible. Spousal support payments are tax-deductible if paid on a periodic basis and […]
Section 7 Child Support Guidelines Special Expenses and Their Impact On BC Spousal Support Amounts
We often have new BC spousal support clients come to us after they have unwisely agreed to a spousal support payment that does not accord with a proper calculation under the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines. The proper calculation of the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines really does require a lawyer who focuses on BC family law […]
Section 7 Child Support Guidelines Special Expenses and Their Impact On BC Spousal Support Amounts
We often have new BC spousal support clients come to us after they have unwisely agreed to a spousal support payment that does not accord with a proper calculation under the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines. The proper calculation of the Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines really does require a lawyer who focuses on BC family law […]
I disagree with the current and proposed Family Relations Act child or spousal payment arrears (unpaid support) test that establishes there will be no cancellation of support arrears unless it would be “grossly unfair” not to do so. The Act arguably treats common law and married couples differently and applies a one-sided and unfair test […]
BC Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines-SSAG- BC Support Success Story for MacLean Family Law Group-Pre Tax Profits Used For High Support
Lorne MacLean BC SSAG support and spousal support guidelines lawyer, using the with child support spousal support advisory guideline formula, recently succeeded in obtaining a lucrative BC Spousal Support Advisory guideline ” SSAG” and BC child support guidelines award on behalf of his client, the wife, in a complex and high net worth BC guidelines […]
BC Law on Varying or Setting Aside Unfair BC Separation Agreements or BC Marriage Agreements 2010 Update
We are often asked to review BC separation agreement or BC marriage agreements with a view to setting the BC separation or BC Marriage agreement aside and Shelagh Kinney of our BC Family Law office had a nice win recently in a case on behalf of the wife in L v. L, a BC Supreme […]
BC Case Alert-Unmarried Couples, BC Marriage Like Relationship and BC Spousal Support
P.P.W. v. R.S.L.B., 2010 BCSC 58 – 2010/01/15 Is an interesting BC unmarried couples, BC common law and BC marriage like relationship case where the BC Supreme Court had to determine if unmarried parties lived in a marriage like relationship” for a period of two years sufficient to justify entitlement to a spousal support award. […]
Adultery and Misconduct in BC Divorce and British Columbia Separation
Many BC divorce and British Columbia Separated parents involved in a BC child custody case think their chances of receiving child custody, more or less support, or a larger share of the family property will change if their spouse has had an affair. In reality an affair has little if any impact on the issues […]