The best Nanaimo family divorce lawyers help family law clients promptly resolve divorces, separations, child custody, child and spousal support, family property and debt division, and protection order issues. The best Nanaimo family divorce lawyers also know minimizing acrimony and expense is critical to allowing separate spouses and their children to become winners after separation. […]
Best Interim Spousal Support Lawyers
The Best Interim Spousal Support Lawyers help clients obtain top results including record interim spousal support awards. Our interim spousal support lawyers have set records in medium to high net worth spousal support and child support cases involving business owners professionals and other successful spouses. We share some of the best strategies to help you […]
Spousal Support Variation Termination Lawyers
Experienced Spousal Support Variation Termination Lawyers at MacLean Law advance and defend these claims with finesse. Spousal support, whether you are paying it, or receiving it, you want to know when the amount might change or stop. Will you have to keep paying, even if you lose your job? Will you receive less, if the […]
RRSP Income and Spousal and Child Support
RRSP Income and Spousal and Child Support. Is RRSP Income included or excluded from income calculations when deciding spousal and child support? In today’s blog, senior family lawyer at MacLean Law explains the rules related to RRSP Income and Spousal and Child Support. We will answer the key question: Is RRSP income included for support […]
Best High Net Worth Divorce – Do’s & Don’ts
Best High Net Worth Divorce – Do’s & Don’ts 1 877 602 9900 Family Separations and divorces are painful and complicated. When spouse’s have been together a long time and have created significant joint wealth, we enter the realm of the high net worth divorce. Lawyers familiar with this area are rare and worth every […]
SCC Says Decreasing Support Arrears Requires Disclosure
The new decision of Colucci v Colucci, 2021 SCC 24 stands for the proposition that the SCC Says Decreasing Support Arrears Requires Disclosure. Maclean Law lawyers have set a number of precedents in the Supreme Court of Canada in winning sole custody, special costs and 100 percent reapportionment of a home for our delighted client in […]
Managing Narcissists During Divorce and Separation
Managing Narcissists During Divorce and Separation is critical to allowing separated spouses and their children to move forward successfully to better times. In today’s blog Maclean Law senior family lawyer, Peter Graburn, explains how clinical narcissism affects separated families. Peter also provides tips on managing narcissists during divorce and separation. Many experts believe it is […]
Confidential Family Financial Disclosure Lawyers
Confidential Family Financial Disclosure Lawyers help keep sensitive financial information protected so a business or venture thrives and is not damaged by it being revealed or by it falling into the wrong hands. MacLean Law’s top-rated Confidential Family Financial Disclosure Lawyers have obtained sealing orders in high profile cases as well as non-disclosure agreements and […]
Calgary Edmonton Advance Legal Costs
Calgary Edmonton Advance Legal Costs Lawyers help level the playing field in family law cases particularly in cases involving narcissistic ex-spouses. Provinces across Canada have created legislation to enable a financially weaker spouse to obtain funds to help them pursue justice. Calgary Edmonton Advance Legal Costs 403 444 5503 January 6, 2021 – the culmination […]
Divorce Day Family Lawyers
The first working day after the Christmas holidays in 2021 is today. It is also the day that family lawyers call “divorce day“. The experienced and top-rated high net worth family lawyers at Canada’s national family law firm of MacLean Law are fielding calls and emails to help separated spouses move forward successfully. Our firm […]