Lorne MacLean, KC and his team of Vancouver excluded family property lawyers at MacLean Law help you avoid these excluded property mistakes. Mistakes involving family property, excluded property and gains made on excluded property can cost people millions if they are not careful. A recent BC Court of Appeal case is a cautionary tale for […]
Finding Hidden Vancouver Family Property Lawyers
Finding Hidden Vancouver Family Property Lawyers help ensure you get your fair share in a Vancouver family property division case. MacLean law has set records for aggressively finding hidden family property and punishing spouses who played dirty in fa family separation case. See our precedent setting wins in Mareva Injunctions, Anton Pillar Raids leading to […]
RRSP’s and Spousal and Child Support
RRSP withdrawals as income for the purposes of determining spousal and child support is a tricky topic. First of all, deductions for RRSP contributions are added back to a paying spouse’s income for calculation of support purposes. But what happens when you cash out your RRSP and you are involved in a support dispute? In […]
Family Law Contempt Lawyers
MacLean Law’s Family Law Contempt Lawyers handle enforcement of family law orders across Canada. Unless family law court orders are obeyed a significant portion of Canadians suffer unnecessarily. In today’s article by Peter Graburn one of our senior Calgary family lawyers, we explain some of our recent record successes in this area and the law […]
High Income Child and Spousal Support Lawyers
MacLean Law’s top High Income Child and Spousal Support Lawyers deal with recipients and paying spouses in cases where incomes and the corresponding child and spousal support payments can be eye watering. Our High Income Child and Spousal Support Lawyers lawyers hold the record for the highest spousal and child support in BC $116,000 monthly. […]
Interim Distribution Complex Family Financial Disputes
Interim Distribution Complex Family Financial Disputes require lawyers with a proven track record of obtaining the highest interim distributions to level the playing field in high net worth divorce disputes. MacLean Law lawyers have a proven track record of obtaining the highest interim advances in our huge wins in our BC Supreme Court wins in […]
Interim Family Property Distribution
MacLean law holds the record for largest Interim Family Property Distribution at $400,000 for a single advance followed by another $400,000. What is Interim Family Property Distribution and why should you care? These advances are designed to level the playing field in a family law dispute. The advances provide critically needed funds to let the […]
Hidden Or Disposed Family Property Lawyers
Hidden or Disposed of Family Property Lawyers at MacLean Law help you stop and compensation for transferred, disposed of or Hidden Family Property. Hiring senior family lawyers with a track record of proving the existence and location of missing millions pays off in these difficult cases. MacLean Law’s Hidden or Disposed of Family Property Lawyers […]
高资产净值中文家庭法律师 Who are the best Vancouver Mandarin Chinese speaking family lawyers? MacLean Law has one of the largest and most successful Vancouver Mandarin Chinese speaking family lawyers, Vancouver Cantonese speaking family lawyers, and Vancouver Korean speaking family lawyers. 在迈林律师事务所,高资产净值中文家庭法律师,为您提供以下家庭法诉讼需求: 跨国家庭法财产及抚养费纠纷,包括涉及适用法律的选择,例如中国婚姻法或卑诗省法律的选择及审理案件国家的选择; 跨国子女抚养诉讼案件,涉及管辖权的选择及子女归返或不可归返法庭令; 子女抚养及监护权纠纷,迈林律师们了解您的文化背景; 涉及新伴侣及子女的抚养纠纷; 复杂的家庭纠纷,涉及某人拥有的资产注册在另一人的名下; 高资产净值配偶赡养费及子女抚养费的协商及诉讼; 涉及全球的高净值资产分割; 协商婚前及婚内协议,评估通过未完全信息披露或不公平手段签署的任何不公平的和自行起草的协议的公平性; 回归信托及家庭除外财产民事诉讼,涉及财产是由配偶一方的父母赠与或借贷所得; 财产及人身安全保护令 我们温哥华高资产净值中文家庭法律师代理过许多中国高资产净值家庭法案件,包括媒体报道的许多开创先例的法院判决。 查阅我们在加拿大高等法院的胜诉案件,在此案中对方(丈夫)向我方委托人索赔5000万加元却分文未得。 请联系我们,中文热线: 604 682 6466.请相信我们了解您的文化差异,给予您尊重并谨慎代理您的诉讼案件。 […]
Best Vancouver Korean Family Lawyers
Best Vancouver Korean Family Lawyers help Korean speaking family law clients successfully resolve their Vancouver Korean Family law Matters. MacLean Law has one of the largest Mandarin, Cantonese and Vancouver Korean speaking family law teams. Finding the Best Vancouver Korean Family Lawyers requires a thorough investigation of which Vancouver family lawyers have a track record […]