Vancouver Punjabi Speaking Family Lawyers Explain Divorce Before Trial Our Punjabi speaking family lawyers regularly deal with financial disputes and divorces between couples who have connections to India and BC. Our highly acclaimed Vancouver Punjabi speaking family lawyers often need to deal with property division issues involving lands, monies and jewellery overseas in India as well […]
赵辰律师加入MacLean Law,温哥华家庭法律师事务所
赵辰律师加入MacLean Law,温哥华家庭法律师事务所 赵律师在2015年十月正式加入MacLean Law律师事务所。 MacLean Law律师事务所是卑诗省最大,最专业的家庭法律师事务所。如果您正在经历结婚或离婚,家庭财产纠纷、子女/配偶赡养、以及子女监护权等的家庭问题,请尽快和我们取得联系,延迟可能会对您的案子不利。赵律师及MacLean Law的中文法律团队将随时帮您解决有关家庭法方面的困扰。 我们事务所对于帮忙中国客户处理离婚案和复杂的高净值家庭财产纠纷有非常丰富的经验。根据情况不同,我们可为您有效的制定婚前或分居协议书。我们也可协助您保护父母赠送的财产与其他海外资产。 欢迎拨打我们的温哥华办公室中文热线 604 682 6466 咨询专业的律师。及时取得律师的协助是明智之举。MacLean Law律师事务所为BC省顶级的家庭法事务所,让我们的团队为您排忧解难!
Vancouver Family Property Lawyers
The top Vancouver Family Property Lawyers have been arguing excluded property cases since the new Family Property provisions of our Family Law Act came into effect in March of 2013. There are two types of property in marriage or relationship property division cases. Our Vancouver Family Property Lawyers argue for division of both “family property” and gains […]
Vancouver Unequal Division of Family Property
Vancouver unequal division of family property is this week’s blog topic. Vancouver unequal division of family property sometimes called reapportionment of family property cases have a higher threshold under our new Family Law Act. Unequal division of family property can be ordered where someone got rid of valuable family property before the trial occurs or […]
Vancouver Excluded Property Division
Our new BC Family Law Act treats separated unmarried couples in marriage like relationships lasting longer than two years the same as if they were married for property division purposes. Vancouver excluded property division disputes require expert knowledge from a lawyer intimately familiar with this complex area. The most hotly contested family property issue our Vancouver […]
Lorne MacLean Q.C. Presents: Is There Freedom After 55?
Lorne MacLean Q.C. presents: Is there Freedom After 55, to 125 financial planners at Freedom 55 speakers day on February 13, 2015 in Vancouver, BC. This presentation provided 125 financial advisers information on the BC Family Law Act and what they should know when counselling their clients on financial decisions before and during the dissolution […]