Vancouver Postnup marriage agreements are currently in vogue for movies stars and wealthy married couples. Many Vancouver or Calgary spouses involved in or who are about to take their committed relationships to the next level have heard of prenups but have you ever heard of a postnup? In today’s blog renowned divorce lawyer Lorne Maclean, […]
Vancouver Oral Family Agreements
Vancouver Oral Family Agreements lawyers know that family law agreements whether written or oral have a significant impact in family disputes that come before the courts. In today’s blog, senior Vancouver family lawyer David Joyce explains how an oral contract between a husband and wife was held to govern the division of substantial excluded property. There […]
Avoid These Marriage Agreement Mistakes
Avoid These Marriage Agreement Mistakes – Learn from our senior high net worth Calgary and Vancouver family lawyers about how to avoid 6 common and potentially catastrophic mistakes when negotiating a Vancouver marriage agreement or a Calgary marriage agreement. If you are fortunate enough to have acquired wealth through taking risks and hard work you […]
How To Vary BC Marriage Agreements
How To Vary BC Marriage Agreements is a common question our top-rated* Vancouver family lawyers get asked. We have a new BC Family Law Act but given its transition rules, prenups and marriage agreements entered into before March 2013 are governed by the older Family Relations Act. The test under the old act is easier […]
BC Family Non-Disclosure Lawyers
BC FAMILY NON-DISCLOSURE LAWYERS help you obtain justice when a spouse hides or makes it difficult to find family property or income. Judges have had enough of what they call the “cancer of matrimonial litigation “ Disclosure in BC family law cases is so important that the Family Lawyers at MacLean Law have blogged this […]
Vancouver Family Settlement Consent Order Lawyers
Vancouver Family Settlement Consent Order Lawyers deal with cases where parties seek to enforce and even sometimes vary a Consent Order designed to finally settle a family case. Our new Family Law Act places an emphasis on out of court settlements and dispute resolution. In today’s blog from Lorne N. MacLean, QC we learn that […]
Top 5 Millennial Prenup Agreement Tips
Top 5 Millennial Prenup Agreement Tips are critical for protecting wealthy millennials who wisely view marriage as both a romantic and financial partnership. In today’s blog, the father-son team of Lorne MacLean, QC and Fraser MacLean will guide you on why you should seriously consider a prenup, also called prenuptial agreements, and how to properly negotiate […]
Vancouver Family Settlement Agreement Lawyers
Vancouver Family Settlement Agreement Lawyers help get family cases fairly settled. Good family lawyers ensure full disclosure, no unfair pressure, an informed decision by the client and clarity of settlement terms. Vancouver Family Settlement Agreement Lawyers Tel 604 602 9000 Today our senior family lawyers answer the question: Can a settlement agreement between parties that was not […]
Calgary Cohabitation Prenup Agreements Lawyers
Calgary Cohabitation Prenup Agreements lawyers help prepare, defend and in some cases set aside cohabitation, prenuptial agreements and marriage agreements. So, how does a court intervene to change or set aside a Calgary cohabitation agreement or Calgary prenuptial agreement ? In today’s blog one of our of experienced senior Calgary Cohabitation Prenup Agreements Lawyers at MacLean […]
Vancouver Spousal Support Termination Variation Lawyers
Vancouver Spousal Support Termination Variation Lawyers at award winning MacLean Law negotiate, mediate, arbitrate and litigate, interim spousal support, final spousal support, variations of spousal support, security for spousal support and lump sum spousal support. Recently, there has been more of an emphasis on settling matters through negotiation and reducing the settlement into a separation […]