Our Chinese speaking family lawyers and Mandarin and Cantonese speaking family law department 溫哥華和列治文評估優良家庭律師 recently received high praise from one of our Mandarin speaking family law clients. If you speak Mandarin or Cantonese call our Mandarin Family Law hotline at 604 682 6466. Here is our client’s review 溫哥華和列治文評估優良家庭律師:
“Mr. Lorne MacLean was the only lawyer who showed me a positive and supportive attitude toward my complicated divorce right from the start. No matter how tough the situations we encountered are, he and his professional team always provide me with the straightforward and excellent advice I needed to reach my objective. He helps me to build up my confidence with his extensive knowledge and dedication to his profession. Mr. MacLean treats me with respect and kindness and is someone I can truly trust.
经過不斷地尋訪, Mr. Lorne MacLean是唯一從開始即對我的”跨國離婚” 訴訟给予正面及支持的回应. 其後, 不論遭遇何種難題, Mr. MacLean及他的專業團隊總是能以最直接有效的建議, 幫助我脫離困境. 他淵博的法律知識及卓越的專業经驗,幫助我由絕望中重新建立信心. 他待人誠懇尊重,值得我由衷的信任.
Another happy client stated:
Divorce is a difficult journey. In addition to showing impressive professionalism in family law, MacLean Family Law provides me with the positive and supportive attitude that makes enduring the hardships I face easier. The warm and considerate service is the greatest support to me and helps sustain the determination I need to keep on striving towards my goal. Not only are they capable and dependable lawyers, but they are without a doubt a “good” lawyers.
離婚是人生最艱困的经歷. 除了令人讚賞的法律專业能力, MacLean Law给予我的全面支持及鼓勵,幫助我渡過離婚過程中的各種痛苦. 她溫暖體諒的態度和不斷的鼓勵,幫助我能夠继续堅定決心與目標. MacLean Law 不僅是一位有能力值得信賴的律師,她還是位”好”律師.