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Vancouver Iranian and Persian Farsi Family Lawyer

Vancouver Iranian and Persian family lawyer and Farsi speaking Vancouver family attorney looks forward to assisting top rated Lorne MacLean, Q.C. in serving the Iranian, Persian and Farsi speaking community in Vancouver, West Vancouver and North Vancouver. Call Ana directly at 778 754 1542 if you are Iranian and want to speak with a lawyer who speaks Farsi and who is sensitive to the cultural issues of the Persian community.

Vancouver Iranian and Persian Farsi Family Lawyer 1-877-602-9900

The 20 lawyer firm of MacLean Family Law Group focuses on handling medium to high net worth divorce and family law files. We handle  BC  marriage agreements through to disputed trials and appeals of BC family asset valuations and divisions of businesses, trusts, real properties including Canadian and Iranian properties. We understand the Iranian marriage laws, as well, and we are sensitive to the cultural issues of the Iranian and Farsi speaking community. Check out this article on religious divorces by former associate JP BOYD.

Our new Family Law Act contains a radical new property sharing regime which will make valuation of assets at the start of a relationship as critical as their family property values at the end of the relationship. New division of family and other trusts under this act may have unintended and drastic results for unsuspecting separating Persian and Iranian BC family law clients.

High Net Worth Vancouver Iranian and Persian Farsi Family Lawyer

Managing Partner Lorne MacLean Q.C. sees the issues that arise with high net worth Iranian and Persian clients as often involving:

  • how will Iranian and foreign property and property owned with third parties be valued and dealt with;
  • how will an Iranian marriage contract affect property division in BC? Under the marriage law of Iran, dower is not the exchange of property or a consideration given by the man to the woman for entering into the contract; rather, the effect of the contract is as a token of respect for its subject, the woman. The amount of dower is considered to be an indication of the social status of the woman, and therefore there is usually a serious process of negotiation prior to marriage. When it is agreed upon by the parties, the Mehrieh becomes the absolute property of the woman, who may demand that it be delivered to her any time during the marriage. BC courts will need to deal with this issue and decide whether this contract bars the application of BC law and its property division provisions;
  • retirement issues for those Iranian parties who immigrated to Canada later in life;
  • assessing the comparative value of a tax free BC matrimonial home versus a latent tax debt laden company in BC or Iran or elsewhere and how to best minimize tax on division of taxable assets;
  • the concept of double dipping when BC or a foreign -often Iranian company’s income is used to value the business above its breakup value,
    •what date should be used to value a pension;
  • what was the value of assets in Iran and Canada brought by each party into the marriage and will the assets or their gain to be divided be divided globally or individually and how will tax be calculated on these local and foreign assets;
  • amongst other issues what debts in Iran and in Canada and how will they be divided;
  • what income in Canada and Iran should be used for child support and spousal support as they can well be different!
  • why you should consider a cohabitation and marriage agreement immediately if you are from Iran and have substantial assets and income and your spouse does not.
  • why you need concentrated and focused help to obtain a fair marriage agreement if you are Iranian and considering the traditional marriage laws and gold coins or the Canadian Laws.

Call Our Vancouver Iranian and Persian Farsi Family Lawyer

We have lawyers who speak fluent Farsi and are anxious to assist you in moving on to a successful post divorce life. Call us at our Kelowna or our downtown office at 604 602 9000 to set up an initial consultation.

There is no reason to be scared or confused about your legal rights and about how you can best protect your income and assets. Call us now toll free at 1-877-602-9900 across BC or in Calgary.