Our Vancouver Asian family lawyers and Asian asset protection and wealth preservation department regularly and expertly handles multi-million dollar family property and debt division cases involving assets inside of and outside of British Columbia. We have created a team of Asian lawyers fluent in Mandarin and Cantonese who understand the Asian culture and entrepreneurial spirit of one of Vancouver’s most important demographic groups. Contact us so you are fully protected.
Our new Chinese language site can be read in both traditional or simplified for our Asian clients.

Lorne MacLean, QC heads our robust and skilled Vancouver Asian Family Lawyers high net worth family property and excluded property valuation and division team. Less than 5 % of BC lawyers carry the Queen’s Counsel designation that is reserved for senior lawyers of skill and distinction. If protecting your financial security is important it pays you to meet with us.
Our Mandarin and Cantonese speaking Vancouver Asian family lawyers will speak to you in your own language to explain the difficult legal concepts related to an Asian family law and divorce case so you are fully aware of your family law and divorce legal rights. We will explain how the laws of BC differ from those where you may have spent a large part of your life.
Our Mandarin divorce lawyers and Cantonese family lawyers handle cases involving:
- BC and Mainland Chinese divorce issues,
- Vancouver and Mainland Chinese or Hong Kong child support,
- Vancouver and Mainland Chinese or Hong Kong spousal support,
- Vancouver Mainland Chinese or Hong Kong family property division involving,
- BC, Mainland Chinese or Hong Kong companies,
- overseas registered companies,
- Mainland Chinese or Hong Kong foreign investments and bank accounts including assets in overseas companies created for tax savings purposes
- property preservation and freezing orders within and in certain circumstances outside of BC
- what law applies to property division if BC takes jurisdiction
- enforcement of support when the paying spouse lives abroad
As skilled Vancouver Asian family lawyers, we understand the differing tax issues and disclosure complications involved in multi-jurisdictional family law disputes and we work with China’s largest law firm to assist our Mainland Chinese clients who have connections to British Columbia.

Our Vancouver Asian family lawyers also help our clients protect advances to their child and new spouse to purchase a beautiful home in Vancouver or the rest of BC or any other monetary advances they may wish to give to the lucky couple, as all too often the Asian culture works on honour and oral contracts which can lead to problems if the young couple you are trying to help separates later in life.
New BC Family Law Property Rules For Overseas Property
Our new Family law Act has extended the territorial jurisdiction of our courts involving parties who live and work both in BC and abroad. Our new laws take into account respect for foreign laws where people were married or living in a marriage like relationship outside of Canada for part of their relationship with an approach that says BC will take jurisdiction if not is fair and proper to do so. Our Vancouver Asian family lawyers are familiar with the latest laws and cases dealing with new overseas property division rules.
Division 6 of Part 5 of the Family Law Act allows a BC Court that decides it can take jurisdiction over a family matter involving family and excluded property in BC and in China, Hong Kong or elsewhere abroad to make orders about property located outside the province under s 109(2):
For the purposes of dividing extraprovincial property, the Supreme Court, on application by a spouse, may make an order to do one or more of the following:
(a) instead of dividing the extraprovincial property,
(i) require property or family debt within British Columbia to be substituted for rights in the extraprovincial property, or
(ii) require a spouse who has legal title to the extraprovincial property to pay compensation to the other spouse;
(b) if the court is satisfied that it would be enforceable against a spouse in the jurisdiction in which the extraprovincial property is located,
(i) preserve the extraprovincial property,
(ii) provide for the possession of the extraprovincial property,
(iii) require a spouse who has legal title to the extraprovincial property to transfer all or part of the spouse’s interest in the extraprovincial property to the other spouse, or
(iv) provide for any other matter in connection with the extraprovincial property;
(c) if the court is satisfied that it would be enforceable in the jurisdiction in which the extraprovincial property is located, provide for non-monetary relief.
Our Vancouver Asian family lawyers know that when you have worked hard all your life to acquire property and a healthy income it pays to hire someone who has the same tireless work ethic and passion as you do to help you protect and to receive your fair share.
Call our Asian Wealth preservation and asset protection team today at 604-682-6466.