Looking for the best Edmonton family lawyers? Family law is a unique and often complicated area of law: very personal, very emotional, but also legally challenging. The Best Edmonton Family Lawyers know that family law involves a unique mixture of personal and legal issues, delivered with an understanding of both the law and the individual needs of the client.
MacLean law’s Edmonton family lawyers and Calgary divorce lawyers act from our downtown Calgary headquarters in Bankers Hall.
Best Edmonton Family Lawyers 403 444 5503

Our Calgary and Edmonton family lawyer Team is led by senior family lawyer Peter Graburn, backed by enthusiastic family lawyers Brianne Beckie and Kaye Booth. Peter has been practicing family law in Central and Southern Alberta since 2009, where his draft Separation Agreement has been used as a model by other family lawyers in the region. Brianne Beckie was born, raised, and educated in Central Saskatchewan, so understands the unique issues and priorities of mixed urban/rural communities. Kaye Booth articled with the Provincial Court of Alberta – Family Division before becoming a lawyer, so knows the Courts well. Of course, our Edmonton family lawyer Team is headed by Maclean Law Founder Lorne MacLean QC, winning lawyer in the leading Supreme Court of Canada family law case of Young v. Young, and recently named one of the top 25 most influential lawyers in Canada by Canadian Lawyer Magazine.
MacLean Law has Offices across Canada including downtown Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, West Kelowna, Surrey, Richmond, Victoria, and Fort St. John.
Alberta Divorce Lawyers 403 444 5503
The Best Edmonton Family Lawyers help their clients navigate the sometimes confusing and often shifting rules and practices of family law in many areas, including:
● Edmonton Divorce and Common-law (AIP) separations, including the legal differences between married and ‘common-law’ relationships;
● Edmonton Child Custody, Parenting Time and Child Support, including basic and extra-ordinary financial support of children of the relationship;
● Edmonton Spousal Support, including the different ways of proving entitlement, amount, duration, and form of payment of spousal support;
● Edmonton Division of Family Property, including the special rules for exempt family property, especially for “High Net Worth” (HNW) clients;
● Edmonton Cohabitation, Prenuptial and Separation Agreements, including the many ways these agreements can be challenged and the importance of fairness in these agreements, and;
● Edmonton Court Costs Recovery, including obtaining advance legal costs and special costs to advance and protect your legal rights.
Family law is a unique and complicated area of law. For free general government, info read this. It can often be emotional and frequently adversarial. What is outlined above is just the ‘tip of the iceberg’ of the various issues separating family partners (whether married or common-law) need to resolve upon the breakdown of their relationship. Over the next few articles, we will expand on the advice the Best Edmonton Family Lawyers provide their clients in each of these areas of family law. In the mean-time, what makes the Best Edmonton Family Lawyers? – a common-sense approach to these issues and a practical, effective way of resolving disputes that may arise between separating spouses in this often most difficult time in their lives.