Effective Family Mediators Resolve Matters and end family law disputes efficiently and cost effectively. Family cases are stressful and when family clients have divergent opinions on what is fair, legal fees can be expensive. Sometimes court is needed but many times it is not. Top family mediators like Tal Wolf and at MacLean law help clients bridge seemingly impossible impasses. Lawyers like Lorne MacLean, Fraser MacLean, Nick Davies and the other top family lawyers at our MacLean Law offices across Canada accompany family clients to help them resolve matters at family mediations. Effective Family Mediators Resolve Matters promptly and can minimize legal fees and stress. Mediation may not be appropriate for high conflict cases where there is family violence or a power imbalance unless you have top litigation lawyers at your side.
Effective Family Mediators Resolve Matters 604 602 9000
Tal Wolf is one of our skilled senior family law mediators in our Vancouver office. He provides some tips on when mediation can work and when going to court is the preferred option. Hiring a family lawyer who has a stellar record of winning the big cases in court helps bring the other side to mediation.
As a Family Law Mediator, I’ve discussed in previous the fact that mediation is growing in popularity, and it’s easy to see why. It’s faster and less expensive than the trial of a lawsuit, and both sides retain more control over the situation than they would if a judge was at the helm. Instead, they deal with a meditator whose job is to help facilitate a resolution that they devise and we know that effective family mediators resolve matters.
Vancouver Effective Family Mediators Resolve Matters 604 602 9000
Are you thinking that the fights you’re having with your spouse, about money, support, property children and all kinds of other issues arising from your marital relationship are impossible to resolve? Think again. You may not be aware of just how much a skilled Mediator can accomplish, and how quickly. As long as the two parties are willing to participate in the process, the skilled and experienced Family Law Mediators at MacLean Law often can turn a fight that otherwise could cost years and tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal expenses into a productive negotiation taking just a few days (or less), and costing a tiny fraction of that amount.
Vancouver, Kelowna, Surrey, Calgary, Toronto ADR
Even if you are not on great speaking terms or cooperating well, you both have a vested interest in getting your family law matters behind you so you can turn the page. Talk to your spouse about trying mediation, and about contacting MacLean Family Law’s Vancouver Office 1 877 602 9900 to have an effective “neutral” like Tal Wolf serve as your Mediator. With a wide swath of experience as both an active BC Family lawyer and mediator, and as a former Judge Pro Tem (LA County Superior Courts), Mr. Wolf will help get your complex family matter to the finish line.
Mediation is one of those rare processes that is both a science and an art form. Lawyer / mediators are highly-trained in facilitating communications between disputing parties while serving as honest brokers when relationships and communications are unduly strained. Also, over time we develop an ability to deal with all kinds of people in a variety of circumstances. We suggest ways reasonable pathways for your issues to be resolved, without imposing our own judgments or declaring “winners” and “losers”.
If mediation is something that appeals to you, the odds you will reach a comprehensive, binding agreement with your spouse (and be able to avoid the court system altogether) are greatly enhanced by choosing an effective neutral. Although many positive qualities and skills come into play, the five characteristics below are invaluable for success.
A good mediator inspires trust. When people attend a mediation session, they need to be assured the mediator will keep all discussions confidential, while at the same time using the information to help create a mutually acceptable resolution. Otherwise, parties will not discuss things openly, and the purpose of mediation is defeated. Your mediator’s approach should reflect sincerity, strength, and fairness. Both sides will, in turn, be more cooperative and receptive to accomplishing what is necessary towards a successful ending.
Good mediators are seen as friendly, empathetic, and respectful. They listen carefully, appreciate the emotions and needs that underlie each conversation, and come across as genuinely concerned with the well-being of everyone involved. When they acknowledge feelings, display an appropriate sense of humor, and convey a sense of optimism, both sides to a dispute will, in theory, follow suit.
Dedicated family Mediators
Dedication is a sterling quality in all professionals, and mediators are no exception. When they devote time before each session to properly prepare and work diligently to achieve a positive outcome in every situation, their effectiveness in dispute resolution increases. Parties are quick to perceive when a mediator is applying all possible efforts to bring about a fair conclusion. Intellectual “laziness” is never exhibited by a good mediator.
Perceptiveness Family Mediators
Parties to a dispute want mediators who can quickly grasp a situation, understand its complexities and dynamics, and provide a clearer understanding of options by analyzing the issues and identifying risk. This level of perceptiveness enables more creative problem solving and increases the chances of an outcome that both sides find acceptable.
Impartial Family Mediators
When it comes to successful mediation, impartiality is as important as approachability. To be effective, a mediator must be able to control their feelings and not invest emotionally in the outcome of the proceedings. In doing so, they are better able to create, identify, and take advantage of opportunities that help both sides realize their goals.
Our Top Effective Family Mediators Resolve Matters
Resolve your complex family law issues faster, better and cheaper than litigation, with what is arguably the best and most effective method of alternative conflict resolution. Call McLean Family Law at 1 877 602 9900 to initiate screening and intake protocols with one of our most senior and experienced family lawyers in Vancouver, BC who are also highly qualified Family Law Mediators certified by the BC Law Society. The vast majority of cases referred to mediation with us are resolved at mediation. Let us help you and your family turn the page after separation and divorce.