Hiring Top BC Family Lawyers is the goal of many clients facing separation. The choice is key to how you are able to move forward after divorce and separation. Tal Wolf explains the proper way to find good legal representation and the traps to avoid when hiring top BC family lawyers. Find the best Vancouver […]
Calgary Edmonton Parenting Time Lawyers
Calgary Edmonton Parenting Time Lawyers deal with cases where parenting time has ceased, is conditional, or needs to be supervised. Calgary parenting time reintroduction lawyers also deal with increasing the time a child spends with a parent. In today’s blog Peter Graburn and Kaye Booth review how parenting time may go from nonexistent, minimal, conditional, […]
Toronto Parental Alienation Lawyers
Toronto Parental Alienation Lawyers help protect children and targeted spouses from being alienated from each other. Toronto Parental Alienation Lawyers also defend against false or unsupported Toronto parental alienation claims. In today’s blog Peter Graburn one of our senior Toronto family lawyers explains the characteristics indicating there may be parental alienation in play in your […]
Are Vancouver Marriage Agreements Enforceable?
Are Vancouver Marriage Agreements Enforceable? The answer is: that depends. Vancouver marriage agreements that are fairly negotiated and that reasonably contemplated how the marriage actually played out are likely to be upheld. Unfairly negotiated agreements or fairly negotiated agreements that did not predict how the marriage developed are likely to be set aside entirely or […]
Family Law Social Media Defamation
Family Law Social Media Defamation is a hot topic in recent years. So What Can You Do if your Ex-Spouse if Bad-Mouthing You?: In today’s blog, Fraser MacLean explains remedies and damages for internet defamation in family law cases. Our top-rated lawyers are adept and obtaining conduct orders, parenting time or contact reductions, family violence […]
Confidential Family Financial Disclosure Lawyers
Confidential Family Financial Disclosure Lawyers help keep sensitive financial information protected so a business or venture thrives and is not damaged by it being revealed or by it falling into the wrong hands. MacLean Law’s top-rated Confidential Family Financial Disclosure Lawyers have obtained sealing orders in high profile cases as well as non-disclosure agreements and […]
What is Alberta Family Violence?
What is Alberta Family Violence? In today’s blog, Calgary and Alberta family violence protection lawyer Kaye Booth explains what it is and how it can be prevented and promptly dealt with. Calgary Family Lawyers Can Help You Stay Safe 403 444 5503 Alberta Family violence can be difficult to define, despite attempts of legislation to […]
Best Canadian Parental Alienation Lawyers
Best Canadian Parental Alienation Lawyers know that Alienation is abuse. If you alienate your child, the child pays. The other parent pays. And if in court, you will pay. Call us toll-free at 1 877 602 9900 MacLean Law is an award-winning national Canadian family law firm with offices across BC, in Calgary, Winnipeg, and […]
BC Transgender Rights Family Lawyers
BC Transgender Rights Family Lawyers handle issues related to separated spouses and their children involving transgender rights issues including gender-affirming surgery. Jaye Rutledge at MacLean Law is becoming a leader in this developing area and she explains issues arising from a recent BC Supreme court transgender affirming surgery decision. Our BC Transgender Rights Family Lawyers […]
Best Vancouver Calgary Toronto Family Lawyers
The Best Vancouver Calgary Toronto Family Lawyers know that the breakdown of family relationships can be hard. MacLean Law has been named a leading family law firm by Doyle’s Guide as voted by our family law peers. Sometimes resolving family law disputes over the parenting of children, financial support, and division of family property can […]