How do you Avoid Vancouver Separation Date Mistakes? In today’s blog, Rana Yavari will help you avoid Vancouver separation date mistakes by explaining why you need to pay attention to this important date to ensure your family law rights and divorce claims are properly protected. There are strict time limits relating to the date of […]
Vancouver Iranian Divorce Tips
Vancouver Iranian Divorce Tips are designed to help the Iranian community living in North Vancouver, West Vancouver and in Vancouver understand special issues affecting Persian and Farsi speaking family law clients. In today’s blog, Rana Yavari our Vancouver office, Farsi speaking Persian family and estate disputes lawyer, explains what happens when you are divorced in […]
BC Void Marriages Family Law Act
An important BC Void Marriages Family Law Act ruling was handed down this week by the BC Court of Appeal. The decision was made against the backdrop of a high stakes multimillion-dollar international divorce case involving worldwide family property. Of particular importance to this BC Void Marriages Family Law Act appeal is the purpose of […]
Family Law Social Media Traps and Tips
Family Law Social Media Traps and tips can make divorcing and separating even more stressful than normal. In today’s blog, downtown Vancouver high net worth family lawyer Sophie Bartholomew explains how to avoid the two worst Family Law Social Media Traps and one great family law social media tip to keep you sane and safe […]
Surrey South Asian Unfair Wills Variation
Surrey South Asian Unfair Wills Variation cases involve a special cultural sensitivity often from a lawyer familiar with or who is an actual member of the South Asian community. In today’s blog, South Asian family law and estate litigation lawyer Joty Sandhu, reviews a recent BC Supreme Court case where South Asian traditions did not […]
Section 211 Report Lawyers In Vancouver
Section 211 Report Lawyers In Vancouver can ask for an assessment and written report concerning the best interests of the child and parenting capacity be prepared by a trained forensic psychologist. This court-appointed, or agreed to, forensic psychologist will often be the eyes and ears for the Court and provide expert opinion evidence by way […]
Family Appeals From Masters Orders
BC Family Appeals From Masters Orders have 2 differing tests depending on what type of order was made in Chambers. A stricter test of the disappointed party proving the Master’s decision was “clearly wrong” is applied if the matter is clearly interim without a large impact on the trial to come and a different test […]
BC Testamentary Capacity Suspicious Circumstances
BC Testamentary Capacity Suspicious Circumstances lawyers handle cases where a Willmaker is influenced or incapable of properly making a valid Will. When someone is left out of a Will or disinherited they are hurt and they may suspect the reason for this isn’t legitimate. Sometimes they are right and other times they are wrong. In […]
Mandarin Cantonese Chinese Family Lawyers
Vancouver Mandarin Cantonese Chinese Family Lawyers understand the special traditions in Chinese culture. In today’s blog our Mandarin, and Cantonese speaking Vancouver lawyer explains how the tradition of “red envelope monies” is dealt with in BC family law cases. MacLean Law has the largest Western Canadian Mandarin and Cantonese Chinese fluent family law teams and a […]
Mandarin Imputed Income Child Support Lawyers
Mandarin Imputed Income Child support cases involve calculating an income that a payor and a homemaker could reasonably earn if they choose not to work. In today’s blog, Vancouver Mandarin-speaking lawyer Susanna Chen discusses the issue of child support and imputing income on spouses who choose not to work and remain at home. Susanna Chen […]