As a top-rated* Vancouver BC family lawyer, I am often asked by my clients to help them avoid making big mistakes in family court that will sink their chances of success. Family court judges know that every family case that comes before them is a big case because of that couple’s family, finances and future […]
Drawing on the depth and breadth of our expertise, we’ll help you distill the complicated so you can break through to strategic and positive family solutions.
BC Spousal Support: Does Adultery or do Affairs Matter?
MY SPOUSE COMMITTED ADULTERY- DOES IT MEAN I GET MORE OR LESS SPOUSAL SUPPORT AND DOES IT CHANGE MY PROPERTY DIVISION CLAIM? As a top Vancouver spousal support lawyer and lawyer for the husband in the infamous adultery and spousal support case of Leskun heard by Canada’s highest court, I get asked this question a […]
BC Spousal Support – Is There A Duty To Become Self Sufficient?
As a Vancouver and BC spousal support lawyer I’m often asked: I’M DIVORCING AFTER A LONG MARRIAGE, IS THERE A DUTY TO BECOME SELF SUFFICIENT IN BC SPOUSAL SUPPORT CASES? I argued in the Supreme Court of Canada that the family law legislation affects Canadians more than any other legislation in Canada. In the infamous […]
BC Marriage agreements and Vancouver separation agreements can be varied if they are unfair. A key factor is often whether one side had independent legal advice and the other did not. Rarely, the independent legal advice a party receives is so bad that it leads to an agreement being varied. If you want to ensure […]
BC Step Child Support – Stepparent Child Support Decision
When does a BC Stepparent Have to Pay Child Support? An important stepparent child support decision appeal involving competing obligations between a biological father and a step parent was recently won by Lorne MacLean Q.C. Stepparents are routinely liable for support under either of the Divorce Act (if married) or the Family Relations Act of […]
BC Step Child Support Stepparent Adding Biological Father Is Proper BC Appeal Court Holds
When does a BC StepParent Have to Pay Child Support? An important stepparent child support decision appeal involving competing obligations between a biological father and a step parent was recently won by Lorne MacLean Q.C., and James Cudmore. Stepparents are routinely liable for support under either of the Divorce Act (if married) or the Family Relations Act of […]
Vancouver High Income Child Support Guideline Amounts Over $150,000 Child Support and Over $350,000 Spousal Support
Vancouver high income spousal support and child support cases involving wealthy couples often involve special “income cap” rules. These special rules allow the court to depart from a strict guideline payment calculation for both spousal and child support. Our family lawyers are please to assist you in this complex area. Call us toll free at […]
Rights of Non-Biological Children in Wills Variation Claims
If you believe that you have been unfairly treated in a loved one’s Will or Estate, please give us a call now in our Vancouver office at 604.602.9000 or from anywhere in North America toll-free at 1.877.602.9900 or send us an email via our secure website. Our experienced BC Wills Variation and Estate Litigation lawyers are happy […]
BC SHARED CHILD PARENTING – A WISHLIST/CHECKLIST TO CARRY YOU AND YOUR FAMILY INTO THE FUTURE Shared parenting plans (as referred to herein) are regimes for the sharing of child parenting time on an equal or relatively equal basis. This is a plan frequently sought by parents and which is being implemented with increasing frequency. […]
BC Family Business Valuation Date and Guideline Income Support
Vancouver Divorce Business Valuations and Guideline Income Reports Lawyers As highly rated BC high net worth family property valuation, family asset division and child and spousal support lawyers ,we are cognizant that expert business valuations and guideline income calculations will be even more important now because of the new BC Family Law Act. The concept of […]